2021 Fall FNYC — The Flaherty

2021 Fall Flaherty NYC

and Renewal

programmed by Kelsey White and L u m i

2021 Flaherty NYC

The Flaherty is thrilled to announce its upcoming 2021 Fall Flaherty NYC, Transformation and Renewal programmed by Kelsey White and L u m i a

The series will run December 1st to 18th in venues across New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Harlem) and online. We are excited to be partnering this season with Anthology Film Archives, Microscope Gallery, UnionDocs, and Maysles Documentary Center. This series of films highlights works by artists and visionaries who reimagine life and transform its representation, often in response to the many crises that mark their epochs.


With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, we continue to closely monitor and follow all local, state, and national public health guidelines.  To protect the health and safety of our staff, guests, and audiences, we’ve instituted the following policies for all our Flaherty NYC events:

  • All staff and event attendees will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. People who cannot show proof of vaccination, who have had a recent COVID infection, or who are currently experiencing symptoms will be asked to join events remotely, when possible. 

  • Masks will be required during all indoor events. Audience members who arrive at screenings without a mask will be provided one.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at all locations. 

Transformation and Renewal 

“Be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12

From the warm flicker of the hand-cranked projector to the cool glow of a cracked iPhone screen, cinema remains in flux, and yet it continues to offer the viewer chances to encounter uniquely personal visions. These visions alter our perceptions of reality and strengthen our resistance to conformity and complacency. Is this cinema as sorcery? Voluntary derangement of the senses can lead to unexpected possibilities, and the recovery of presence reveals the joy of living shrouded in the loss that marks our time. 


entering and exiting in peace: for my friends in the plague years Opening Night: Wednesday, December 1, 7 pm

Co-presented with Anthology Film Archives
With Jeanne Liotta and Bradley Eros in person

From the multitudes of narratives. Missing.
Saturday, December 4, 8 pm

Co-presented with Microscope Gallery
Synchronous online screening via the Microscope Gallery site go on sale at 7:30pm night of the show
Moderated by Gina Telaroli | In conversation with artist Rachael Guma | With artist Rachael Guma in person and Thirza Cuthand, Eve-Lauryn LaFountain, Vanessa Renwick, Leslie Supnet, and Paige Taul participating online.

Of creation / Of potential
Sunday, December 5, 7:30 pm

Co-presented with UnionDocs
Synchronous online screening via Union Docs, linked above
Moderated by Monika Fabijanska | With artist Cecilia Vicuña participating online

entering and exiting in peace:  Home-Duty
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Vision within the boundary of sight 
Monday, December 13, 7 pm

Co-presented with Anthology Film Archives
Moderated by Kelsey White | With artist Els van Riel in person

entering and exiting in peace: almost everything important is deleted | Closing: Saturday, December 18, 1:30 pm

Co-presented with Anthology Film Archives 

About the 2021 Flaherty NYC Programmers

Kelsey White

Born in Los Angeles when Saturn and Uranus were conjunct with the Sun at the Ascendant, Kelsey White is currently a film projectionist living in Brooklyn, New York. Though much of her time is given towards showing films to the cinephiles in New York City, she continues to pursue a polyphonic set of creative interests, including writing, music-making, and filming. She is a new mother who likes to observe the changing seasons and listen to small talk on street corners, and she attempts to practice non-judgment towards all beings, remaining open to the unknown, while carefully paying attention to the complexity, the irony and pain, as well as the beauty of existence.

L u m i a

(818) 514 - 4601

2021-2022 FNYC programmers (left to right): Kelsey White, L u m i a.