2024 | #69 TO COMMUNE programmed by May Adadol Ingawanij and Julian Ross
a hook but no fish, Sriwhana Spong
A Magical Substance Flows into Me, Jumana Manna
A Thousand Fires, Saeed Taji Farouky
And the creeper keeps on reaching for the flame tree, Sriwhana Spong
Birth of the Seanema, Sasithorn Ariyavicha
Blessed Blessed Oblivion, Jumana Manna
Camp de Thiaroye, Ousmane Sembene & Thierno Faty Sow
Chinbin Western: Representation of the Family, Chikako Yamashiro
Death is certain but not final [Performance], Saeed Taji Farouky
Foragers, Jumana Manna
having-seen-snake, Sriwhana Spong
Hotel Aporia, Ho Tzu Nyen
I Like Okinawa Sweet, Chikako Yamashiro
Kasiterit, Riar Rizaldi
Lessons from a Calf, Kore-eda Hirokazu
Monisme, Riar Rizaldi
Mud Man, Chikako Yamashiro
No history in a room filled with people with funny names 5, Korakrit Arunanondchai and Alex Gvojic (with Tosh Basco)
OKINAWA Graveyard Club, Chikako Yamashiro
Painted Earth, Lawan Jirasuradej
Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names 3, Korakrit Arunanondchai
Songs for dying, Korakrit Arunanondchai
Tellurian Drama, Riar Rizaldi
The 49th Hexagram, Ho Tzu Nyen
The Class, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook
The Cloud of Unknowing, Ho Tzu Nyen
The Dream, Mohammad Malas
Tongpan, Isan Film Collective (Paijong Laisakul, Surachai Jantimatorn, Euthana Mukdasanit, Rassamee Paoluengthong)
Village and Elsewhere Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith Beheading Holofernes, Jeff Koons’s Untitled and Thai Villagers, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook
Your Voice Came Out Through My Throat, Chikako Yamashiro
2023 | #68 QUEER WORLD-MENDING programmed by Jon Davies & Steve Reinke
3x3x6 10 cases 10 films, Shu Lea Cheang, 2019
60 UNIT: BRUISE, Paul Wong, 1976
Affirmations, Marlon Riggs, 1990
Anhedonia, Theo Jean Cuthand, 1999
Autre fois j'ai aimé une femme, Edward Owens, 1966
Bad Ideas for Paradise, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2001
Bigger on the Inside, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2022
Both, Instrument & Sound, Sharlene Bamboat, 2023
Bugs and Beasts Before the Law, Sharlene Bamboat, 2019
Club Vatican, George Kuchar, 1984
Crossing, James Richards, 2016
Curious About Existence, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2003
Eclipsing [Body], Amina Ross, 2014
Extractions, Theo Jean Cuthand, 2019
Fluidø, Shu Lea Cheang, 2017
Girl Talk, Wu Tsang, 2015
Grave, Beryl Sokoloff, 1972
Helpless Maiden Makes an "I" Statement, Theo Jean Cuthand, 1999
If From Every Tongue it Drips, Sharlene Bamboat, 2021
International Dawn Chorus Day, John Greyson, 2021
Kafka for Kids, Roee Rosen, 2022
La Chambre, Chantal Akerman, 1972
Lesser Apes, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2011
Lessons in Baby Dyke Theory, Theo Jean Cuthand, 1995
Loads, Curt McDowell, 1980
Man’s Country, Amina Ross, 2021
Medicine Bundle, Theo Jean Cuthand, 2020
Multiple Orgasm, Barbara Hammer, 1976
My Name is Oona, Gunvor Nelson, 1969
Nils Bech (Cant live if living is without you), James Richards, 2023
No Show Girls, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2012
North by Current, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2021
Not Blacking Out, Just Turning the Lights Off, James Richards, 2011
One emerging from a point of view, Wu Tsang, 2019
Perfect Day, Paul Wong, 2007
Private Imaginings and Narrative Facts, Edward Owens, 1966
Puce Moment, Kenneth Anger, 1949
Qualities of Life: Living in the Radiant Cold, James Richards, 2022
Radio at Night, James Richards, 2015
Raking Light, James Richards, 2014
Reclamation, Theo Jean Cuthand, 2018
Remembrance: A Portrait Study, Edward Owens, 1967
Rosebud, James Richards, 2013
Seizure, Pat Hearn and Shelley Lake, 1980
Shtei Nashim Ve'Gever, Roee Rosen, 2005
Sodom, Luther Price, 1989
Songs of Praise for the Heart Beyond Cure, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2006
Specular Cry, Amina Ross, 2019/2020
Stay with Me, the World Is a Devastating Place, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2021
Strange Space, Leslie Thornton, 1993
Sync Touch, Barbara Hammer, 1981
The Eddies, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2018
The Infernal Grove, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2021-23
The Last Time I Saw Ron, Leslie Thornton, 1994
The Lost Art of the Future, Theo Jean Cuthand, 2022
The Misty Suite, James Richards, 2009
The Skeleton Dance, Walt Disney, 1929
The Source Is a Hole, Angelo Madsen Minax, 2017
The Wind Sleeps Standing Up, Sharlene Bamboat, 2017
Tse, Roee Rosen, 2010
Untouchable, Theo Jean Cuthand, 1998
Video Album 5 / The Thursday People, George Kuchar, 1987
We hold where study, Wu Tsang, 2017
When We Were Monsters, James Richards, 2020
Wildness, Wu Tsang, 2012
Working Baby Dyke Theory, Theo Jean Cuthand, 1997
You Are a Lesbian Vampire, Theo Jean Cuthand, 2008
You Were an Amazement on the Day You Were Born, Emily Vey Duke + Cooper Battersby, 2019
2022 | #67 CONTINENTS OF DRIFTING CLOUDS by Almudena Escobar-López & Sky Hopinka
A Dark Love Story For Clowns, Crystal Z Campbell, 2009
A Dupla Coincidência dos desejos, João Vieira Torres and Alexandre Melo , 2013
A Meditation on Nature in the Absence of an Eclipse, Crystal Z Campbell, 2021
A Wet Finger in the Air, Tiffany Sia, 2021
After America, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2021
Alien Nation, New Red Order,
Amisk, Alanis Obomsawin, 1977
Bunte Kuh, Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko, 2015
Celaje, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, 2020
Chooka, Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko, 2018
Conversión, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2021
Coyolxauhqui, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2017
Crianças Fantasmas, João Vieira Torres, 2016
Culture Capture: Crimes Against Reality, New Red Order, 2021
Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition, New Red Order, 2019
Do Not Circulate, Tiffany Sia, 2021
El Bohío, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, 2019
Em busca de Aurora, João Vieira Torres, 2022
Endless Land Acknowledgement, New Red Order, 2021
Flight, Crystal Z Campbell, 2021
Foreign in a Domestic Sense, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Natalia Lassalle Morillo, 2021
Give it Back, New Red Order,
Gorilla Means War, Crystal Z Campbell, 2017
Heart of a Mountain, Parastoo Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko, Faraz Anoushahpour,
Honour to Senator Murray Sinclair, Alanis Obomsawin, 2021
Hrvoji, Look At You From the Tower, Ryan Ferko, 2019
Ici, là-bas et Lisboa, João Vieira Torres, 2012
Inaate/se, Adam Khalil, Zack Khalil, 2016
Itzcoatl, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, 2014
Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance, Alanis Obomsawin, 1993
La Princesa, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, 2015
La region mas transparente, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2019
Lluvia con Nieve, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, 2014
Mal di Mare, João Vieira Torres, 2021
My Name is Kahentiiosta, Alanis Obomsawin, 1995
Necropsy of a Harbour Porpoise (Seeing From Our Eyes Into Theirs), Jessica Sarah Rinland, 2015
Never Rest/Unrest, Tiffany Sia, 2020
Never Settle: Calling In, New Red Order, 2018
Nosferasta, Adam Khalil, Bayley Sweitzer, 2022
Pictures of Departure, Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, 2018
Puerta a Puerta, Jessica Sarah Rinland and Luís Arnías, 2022
Revolver, Crystal Z Campbell, 2022
Sea – Shipping – Sun, Tiffany Sia, Yuri Pattison, 2021
Sol de Campinas, Jessica Sarah Rinland, 2021
The Sun Quartet, Part 1: Sunstone, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2017
The Sun Quartet, Part 2: San Juan River, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2017
The Sun Quartet, Part 3: Conflagration, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2017
The Sun Quartet, Part 4: November 2/ Far from Ayotzinapa, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2017
The Time that Separates Us, Parastoo Anoushahpour, 2022
Those That, at a Distance, Resemble Another, Jessica Sarah Rinland, 2019
Tierra en Trance, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos , 2022
Tonalli, Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, 2021
Viewfinder, Crystal Z Campbell, 2020
Violence of a Civilization without Secrets, Adam Khalil, Zack Khalil, Jackson Polys, 2017
Waban-Aki: People From Where the Sun Rises, Alanis Obomsawin, 2006
Wednesday at the Jamaat, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, 2017
What is Savage Philosophy, New Red Order, 2020
What Rules the Invisible, Tiffany Sia, 2022
2021 | #66 OPACITY programmed by Janaína Oliveira
...After He Left, Athi-Patra Ruga, 2008
4 Waters - Deep Implicancy, Arjuna Neuman, Denise Ferreira Da Silva, 2019
A Space Exodus, Larissa Sansour, 2009
Africa, Dzungli, Baraban I Revolucija, Sudanese Film Group, 1979
AKA, Garrett Bradley, 2019
Alone, Garrett Bradley, 2018
America, Garrett Bradley, 2019
Another Decade, Morgan Quaintance, 2018
Ela volta na quinta, André Novais Oliveira, 2014
Fantasmas, André Novais Oliveira, 2010
Fantôme Afrique, Isaac Julien, 2005
Fantôme Creole, Isaac Julien, 2005
Ficções sônicas, Grace Passô, 2021
Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Masks, Isaac Julien and Mark Nash, 1997
In the Future They Ate from the Finest Porcelain, Larissa Sansour, Søren Lind, 2016
Insan, Sudanese Film Group, 1994
Jagdpartie, Sudanese Film Group, 1964
Jamal, Sudanese Film Group, 1981
Konãgxeka: O Dilúvio Maxakali, Isael Maxakali, Charles Bicalho, 2016
Lessons of the hour, Isaac Julien, 2019
Mãtãnãg, A Encantada, Shawara Maxakali and Charles Bicalho, 2019
Miss Congo, Athi-Patra Ruga , 2009
Missing Time, Morgan Quaintance, 2020
Nation Estate, Larissa Sansour, 2012
Nũhũ Yãg Mũ Yõg Hãm: Essa Terra É Nossa!, Isael Maxakali, Sueli Maxakali, Carolina Canguçu, Roberto Romero, 2020
O Segundo antes da coragem, Grace Passô & Wilssa Esser, 2020
Opera Infinita, Denise Ferreira da Silva and Jota Mombaça, 2021
Over the Rainbow, Athi-Patra Ruga & KOPE | FIGGINS, 2017
Paradise Omeros, Isaac Julien, 2002
Public Service Announcement, Athi Patra Ruga, 2014
REPÚBLICA, Grace Passô, 2020
Rua Ataléia, André Novais Oliveira, 2021
Serpent Rain, Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman, 2016
Soot Breath // Corpus Infinitum, Arjuna Neuman, Denise Ferreira Da Silva, 2021
South, Morgan Quaintance, 2020
sum of the parts: what can be named, Deanna Bowen, 2010
Temporada, André Novais Oliveira, 2018
The Klan comes to town, Deanna Bowen, 2013
The Land, Robert Flaherty, 1942
The Paul Good Papers at Notasulga, Deanna Bowen, 2012
True North, Isaac Julien, 2004
Vaga Carne, Grace Passô & Ricardo Alves Jr., 2019
Yãmĩyhex: as mulheres-espírito, Sueli Maxakali, Isael Maxakali, 2019
Yãy tu nunãhã payexop: encontro de pajés, Sueli Maxakali, 2021
المختبر - In Vitro, Larissa Sansour & Søren Lind, 2019
2019 | #65 ACTION programmed by Shai Heredia
21 Chitrakoot, Shambhavi Kaul
32 + 4, Chan Hau Chun
ABCD, Rox Lee
Abid, Pramod Pati
Biometrics, Miko Revereza
Blood Earth, Kush Badhwar
Box Number 2, Rox Lee
Constellation In Black & White, Helga Fanderl
Constellation In Colour, Helga Fanderl
Disintegration 93-96, Miko Revereza
Distancing, Miko Revereza
DROGA!, Miko Revereza
Fifth Cinema, Trinh-Thi Nguyen
FILM LIVE, Helga Fanderl
Fuses, Carolee Schneeman
Geographies of Production, Kush Badhwar
Guernica, Robert J. Flaherty
Heatroom, Chan Hau Chun
Hijacked, Shambhavi Kaul
Independencia 86: The Lost Film of Arturo Madlangbayan, Miko Revereza co-directed with Raya Martin
Ink, Rox Lee
Juan Gapang Johnny Crawl, Rox Lee
Kyokushiteki Erosu Koiuta 1974 / Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974, Kazuo Hara & Sachiko Kobayashi
Letters from Panduranga, Trinh-Thi Nguyen
Lizard, or How to Perform in Front of the Reptile, Rox Lee & Ludwig Ilio
Manila Scream, Rox Lee
Memoria E Massacre, Ruy Guerra
Moron’s Monolog, Rox Lee
Mount Song, Shambhavi Kaul
Night Noon, Shambhavi Kaul
No Data Plan, Miko Revereza
No Left Turn, Rox Lee, Lai Crisostomo, Maisa Demetillo, Ligaya Domingo, Robin Carulla
No Song to Sing, Chan Hau Chun
Noon Day Dispensary, Priya Sen
Om Dar-B-Dar, Kamal Swaroop
Place for Landing, Shambhavi Kaul
Robert Haller Interviews Carolee Schneemann (11/30/1973), Robert Haller
Sayounara CP / Goodbye CP, Kazuo Hara & Sachiko Kobayashi
Scene 32, Shambhavi Kaul
The Great Smoke, Rox Lee
Vietnam the Movie, Trinh-Thi Nguyen
We in a 1 Room Kitchen - Field 0.75, wala + kush
Yeh Freedom Life (This Freedom Life), Priya Sen
Yukiyukite Shingun / The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On, Kazuo Hara
deeper in the archive…
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955
A Night of Storytelling, Robert Flaherty
American Hunger, Ephraim Asili
Anti-Objects, or Space Without Path or Boundary, Sky Hopinka
Apapa Amusement Park, Karimah Ashadu
By and By Some Trace Remains, Kitso Lynn Lelliott
By the Time it Gets Dark, Anocha Suwichakornpong
Crow Requiem, Cauleen Smith
Dislocation Blues, Sky Hopinka
Distant Shores, Christopher Harris
Fluid Frontiers, Ephraim Asili
Forged Ways, Ephraim Asili
H-E-L-L-O, Cauleen Smith
Hai, They Recycle Heartbreaks in Tokyo so Nothing’s Wasted, John Torres
Halimuhfack, Christopher Harris
Industrial Britain, Robert Flaherty
Jaaji Approximately, Sky Hopinka
Jai, Anocha Suwichakornpong
June Movements, Želimir Žilnik
Kindah, Ephraim Asili
King of Boys (Abattoir of Makoko), Karimah Ashadu
La Cabeza Mató a Todos, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Lagos Sand Merchants, Karimah Ashadu
Lessons in Semaphore, Cauleen Smith
Logbook Serbistan, Želimir Žilnik
Lukas the Strange, John Torres
Makoko Sawmill, Karimah Ashadu
Many Thousands Gone, Ephraim Asili
Marché Salomon, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Market People, Želimir Žilnik
Muse, John Torres
My Story No Doubt is Me Older Than Me, Kitso Lynn Lelliott
Nightfall, Anocha Suwichakornpong
Old Heart, Anocha Suwichakornpong
Oneiromancer, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Otros Usos, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Pilgrim, Cauleen Smith
Reckless Eyeballing, Christopher Harris
Salat, John Torres
Silent Film, John Torres
Songs for Earth and Folk, Cauleen Smith
still/here, Christopher Harris
Tawidgutom, John Torres
Three Songs about Liberation, Cauleen Smith
Transatlantic Saudades, Kitso Lynn Lelliott
Triangle Trade, Jérôme Havre, Cauleen Smith, Camille Turner
Troublemakers, Norman Fruchter & Robert Machover
Twenty-Four Dollar Island, Robert Flaherty
Uprising in Jazak, Želimir Žilnik
Venite et Loquamur, Sky Hopinka
Very Specific Things at Night, John Torres
Wawa, Sky Hopinka
10 Years / Long Exposure, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
A Willing Suspension of Disbelief + Photography and Fetish, Christopher Harris
After the Boats Set Sail, Kitso Lynn Lelliott
Bright Family Holidays, John Torres
Coconut, Anocha Suwichakornpong
Community Portrait, Ephraim Asili
Destiny, Karimah Ashadu
I’ll Remember You as You Were, Not as What You’ll Become, Sky Hopinka
Inventory, Želimir Žilnik
Jazz Salt, Ephraim Asili
Territory of the Orbit of Venus, Cauleen Smith
Territory of the Sunset, Cauleen Smith
A Arca dos Zo’é (Meeting Ancestors), Vincent Carelli
Am Siel, Peter Nestler
Aufsätze (Essays), Peter Nestler, Kurt Ulrich)
Best of Luck With the Wall, Josh Begley
Bicycles of Nhanderu, Patrícia Ferreira (Keretxu), Ariel Duarte Ortega
Big Kiss Goodnight Unofficial Trailer, Dominic Gagnon
Cacheu, Filipa César
Could See a Puma, Eduardo Williams
Du Moteur à Explosion, Dominic Gagnon
Ears, Nose and Throat, Kevin Jerome Everson
Eason, Kevin Jerome Everson
Fanado, Sana Na N’Hada
Forgetting Vietnam, Trinh T. Minh-ha
Fos Sur Mer, Peter & Zsóka Nestler
How to Make Glass (Manually), Peter & Zsóka Nestler
Identified Flying Object, Kevin Jerome Everson
I Forgot!, Eduardo Williams
Journey to a Land Otherwise Known, Laura Huertas Millán
La Libertad (Freedom), Laura Huertas Millán
Martírio, Vincent Carelli
Mined Soil, Filipa César
of the North, Dominic Gagnon
Our New President, Maxim Pozdorovkin
O Regresso de Amílcar Cabral (The Return of Amílcar Cabral), Flora Gomes, Sana na N’Hada, José Bolama, Josefina Crato
Pachamama – Our Land, Peter Nestler
Personal Truth, Charlie Lyne
Porto, 1975, Filipa César
Project X, Laura Poitras, Henrik Moltke
Reassemblage, Trinh T. Minh-ha
Risk, Laura Poitras
Sol Negro (Black Sun), Laura Huertas Millán
Sound That, Kevin Jerome Everson
Speaking is Difficult, AJ Schnack
Spell Reel, Filipa César
Surname Viet Given Name Nam,Trinh T. Minh-ha
The Human Surge, Eduardo Williams
The Matrix, Dominic Gagnon
Tod und Teufel (Death and Devil), Peter Nestler
Tonsler Park, Kevin Jerome Everson
Un Balcon en Afrique, Anita Fernandez
We Demand, Kevin Jerome Everson, Claudrena Harold
A Few Tunes Going Out: Tune #2: Groove to Groove, Saul Levine
A Film, Reclaimed, Ana Vaz and Tristan Bera
A Grammar for Listening, Part 1, Luke Fowler and Lee Patterson
A performance by Kidlat Tahimik, Kidlat Tahimik
The Age of Stone (A Idade da Pedra), Ana Vaz
AM/PM, Brigid McCaffrey
Amérika: the bay of arrows, Ana Vaz
And When I Die, I Won't Stay Dead, Billy Woodberry
BalikBayan #1 (Memories of Overdevelopment Redux 4), Kidlat Tahimik
The Big Stick/An Old Reel, Saul Levine
Bless Their Little Hearts, Billy Woodberry
The Blue Jaguar, Ana Vaz
Bogman Palmjaguar, Luke Fowler
Castaic Lake, Brigid McCaffrey
Depositions, Luke Fowler
Dream Story, Saul Levine
Entre temps, Ana Vaz
Fish Tail (Rabo de Peixe), Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel
Genpin, Naomi Kawase
Half Moon for Margaret (Halbmond für Margaret), Ute Aurand
Hanging Upside Down in the Branches (Kopfüber im Geäst), Ute Aurand
It All Started at the End (Todo comenzó por el fin), Luis Ospina
India, Ute Aurand
Katatsumori, Naomi Kawase
The Land, Robert Flaherty
Lay Down Tracks, Brigid McCaffrey and Danielle Lombardi
Light Licks: By the Waters of Babylon: In the Hour of Angels, Saul Levine
Maria and the World (Maria und die Welt), Ute Aurand
Marseille après la guerre, Billy Woodberry
New Left Note, Saul Levine
Occidente, Anna Vaz
Oiga, vea (Listen, See), Luis Ospona and Carlos Mayolo
On the Spot, Saul Levine
Paradise Springs, Brigid McCaffrey
Sky, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth (KyaKaRaBaA), Naomi Kawase
Straight and Narrow, Tony Conrad and Beverly Conrad
To Be Here, Ute Aurand
To the Editor of Amateur Photographer, Luke Fowler and Mark Fell
Toying with String 2 (Fadenspiele 2), Ute Aurand and Detal Aurand
Vampires of Poverty (Agarrando Pueblo), Luis Ospina and Carlos Mayolo
What Now? Remind Me (E Agora? Lembra-me), Joaquim Pinto
Who Invented the Yo-Yo? Who Invented the Moon Buggy? (Sinong Lumikha ng Yoyo Sinong Lumikha ng Moon Buggy?), Kidlat Tahimik
Whole Note, Saul Levine
Afternoon, March 22, 1999, Steve Reinke
Anal Masturbation and Object Loss, Steve Reinke
Artifact, Steve Reinke
Ashes, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
The Ballad of Oppenheimer Park, Juan Manuel Sepúlveda
Before Tomorrow, Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Madeline Ivalu
Belena, Ramon Zürcher
Berlinfever–Wolf Vostell, Ulrike Ottinger
Blind Ambition, Hassan Khan
Charlie Pisuk, Marie-Hélène Cousineau
Coming Forth by Day, Hala Lotfy
Deshotten 1.0, Arthur Jafa
Dreams Are Colder than Death, Arthur Jafa
A Double Burger and Two Metamorphoses: A Proposal for a Dutch Cat, a Dutch Dog, a Dutch Donkey, a Dutch Goat and finally, a Dutch Camel, Mounira Al Solh
Excuse of the Real, Steve Reink
The Fence, Tariq Teguia
Freak Orlando, Ulrike Ottinger
From Cairo to Gaza: Mobilizing the Body Politic, Laila Shereen Sakr
Fuck This Film, Hassan Khan
#Gaza Visual Narrative by a Cyborg: Images Tweeted by Hashtag, Laila Shereen Sakr
Images of Water and Earth, Hala Lotfy
The Infinite Border, Juan Manuel Sepúlveda
Inland, Tariq Teguia
Je Veux Voir, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
Kompressor, Hassan Khan
The Lebanese Rocket Society: the Strange Tale of the Lebanese Space Race, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige
Lecture on Cinematography, Arthur Jafa
Liberalism, Egypt, and Zizek Remixed, Laila Seheeren Sakr
Muslimgauze R.I.P., Hassan Khan
A Night of Storytelling, Robert Flaherty
Now Eat My Script, Mounira Al Solh
Qulliq, Marie-Hélène Cousineau
Rawane’s Song, Mounira Al Solh
Reflections, Madeleine Tourtelot
Rib Gets in the Way, Steve Reinke
The Sea Is a Stereo, part II: Paris without a Sea, Mounira Al Solh
The Slapper and the Cap of Invisibility, Hassan Khan
Sometime/Somewhere Else, Hassan Khan
Squeezing Sorrow from an Ashtray, Steve Reinke
The Strange Little Cat, Ramon Zürcher
Strange Sound of the Land Being Opened by a Furrow (Scene 75, Juana Lopez’ House, Take 01), Juan Manuel Sepúlveda
Today This Is My Favorite Song, Ramon Zürcher
Treehouse, Steve Reinke
Under Snow, Ulrike Ottinger
Zanj Revolution, Tariq Teguia
60th Anniversary Complilation, Various
Abstract, Hito Steyerl
ACT 00157, Karen Mirza and Brad Butler
Al Jaar Qabla Al Daar/The Neighbour Before the House الجار قبل الدار, CAMP
A Alma Do Osso (The Soul of the Bone), Cao Guimarães
The Anabasis Of May And Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi And 27 Years Without Images, Eric Baudelaire
Atrás Dos Olhos De Oaxaca (Behind the Eyes of Oaxaca) , Cao Guimarães
The Autonomous Object?, Karen Mirza and Brad Butler
Bernadette, Duncan Campbell
The Capital Of Accumulation, Raqs Media Collective
CCTV Social “Capital Circus”, CAMP
Cost Da Morte (Coast Of Death), Lois Patiño
Deep State, Karen Mirza And Brad Butler
Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, Johan Grimonprez
Double Take, Johan Grimonprez
Ex Isto (Ex It), Cao Guimarães
The Exception And The Rule, Karen Mirza and Brad Butler
Far From Poland, Jill Godmilow
From Gulf To Gulf, CAMP
How Not To Be Seen, A Fucking Didactic Educational .Mov File, Hito Steyerl
I May Have Lost Forever My Umbrella, Johan Grimonprez
In Free Fall, Hito Steyerl
In Landscape’s Movement, Lois Patiño
The Invisible World, Jesse Mclean
It For Others, Duncan Campbell
Just Like Us, Jesse Mclean
Kobarweng Or Where Is Your Helicopter?, Johan Grimonprez
Lamokowang, Petna Ndaliko Katondolo
Lovely Andrea, Hito Steyerl
Magic For Beginners, Jesse Mclean
Make It New John, Duncan Campbell
The Makes, Eric Baudelaire
Man Of Aran, Robert Flaherty
A Measure of Anacoustic Reason, Raqs Media Collective
Montaña En Sombra (Mountain In Shadow), Lois Patiño
November, Hito Steyerl
Quarta Feira De Cinzas (Ash Wednesday), Cao Guimarães
The Radia Tap(E)S: Act, Hum Logos, CAMP
Re-Run, Raqs Media Collective
Remote, Jesse Mclean
The Secession Sessions, Eric Baudelaire
The Shadow World, Johan Grimonprez
Les Statues Meurent Aussi (Statues Also Die), Chris Marker and Alain Resnais
Strikes At Time, Raqs Media Collective
The Surface Of Each Day Is A Different Planet, Raqs Media Collective
What Farocki Taught, Jill Godmilow
A Call to the Square, Sarah Lewison & Julie Wyman
A Minimal Difference, Jean-Paul Kelly
An Italian Film (Africa Addio) 1: Copper, Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc
Anathema, The Otolith Group
Aqabat-Jaber, Passing Through, Eyal Sivan
Bete & Deise, Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Ça va, ça va, on continue (it is ok, it is ok, we go on), Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc
Carnival in Guinea-Bissau, Sarah Maldoror
Complex, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat
Farther Than The Eye Can See, Basma Alsharif
Figure-ground, Jean-Paul Kelly
Foreward to Guns for Banta, Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc
Home Movies Gaza, Basma Alsharif
Industrial Britain, Robert Flaherty
Itsembatsemba, Rwanda One Genocide Later, Eyal Sivan & Alexis Cordesse
Journal, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat
Kings Of The Sky, Deborah Stratman
La Javanaise, Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Monangambee, Sarah Maldoror
Movement in Squares, Jean-Paul Kelly
No False Echoes, Wendelien van Oldenborgh
O'er the Land, Deborah Stratman
People to be Resembling, The Ototlith Group
Printed Matter, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat
Prrrride, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat
Queen Mother Moore Speech at Greenhaven Prison, People’s Communication Network
Route 181, Eyal Sivan
Sambizanga, Sarah Maldoror
Sans Soleil, Chris Marker
Service of the goods, Jean-Paul Kelly
Seven Signs that Mean Silence, Sara Magenheimer
Solidarity, Joyce Wieland
Supposing I love you. And you also love me., Wendelien van Oldenborgh
The Radiant, The Otolith Group
The Specialist, Eyal Sivan
The Story of Milk and Honey, Basma Alsharif
Turkish Delight, Basma Alsharif
Twenty Four Dollar Island, Robert Flaherty
Village, Silenced, Deborah Stratman
We Began by Measuring Distance, Basma Alsharif
48, Susana de Sousa Dias
Ah, Liberty!, Ben Rivers
Al Más Allá, Lourdes Portillo
Beyond-ism, Sun Xun
Black & White Gods, Ben Russell
Coal Spell, Sun Xun
The Coming Race, Ben Rivers
Los condenados, Isaki Lacuesta
La constelación Bartleby (Bartleby’s Constellation), Andrés Duque
The Creation as We Saw It, Ben Rivers
Daumë, Ben Russell
The Devil Never Sleeps, Lourdes Portillo
Dress Rehearsal for Utopia, Andrés Duque
Family Nightmare, Dustin Guy Defa
Fokus, Sami van Ingen
Free Land, Minda Martin
Gut Renovation, Su Friedrich
The Head of a Pin, Su Friedrich
Heroes No Longer, Sun Xun
Love, Minda, Minda Martin
Luz Obscura, Susana de Sousa Dias
La matança del porc (Retrato urgente del 15-m) / The Pig Slaughter (Urgent Portrait of the Spanish Revolution), Isaki Lacuesta
Moana, Robert & Frances Flaherty
Mother’s Heritage, Minda Martin
My McQueen, Lourdes Portillo
Natureza Morta (Still Life), Susana de Sousa
No Border, Syvain George
The Odds of Recovery, Su Friedrich
La Ofrenda: The Days of the Dead, Lourdes Portillo
On Rubiks’ Road, Laila Pakalnina
Paralelo 10 (Parallel 10), Andrés Duque
Los pasos dobles, Isaki Lacuesta
Perambulations, Sami van Ingen
Las pistas (The Clues) – Lanhoyij – Nmitaxanaxac, Sebastiãn Lingiardi
Qu'ils reposent en révolte (May They Rest in Revolt), Sylvain George
Requiem, Sun Xun
River Rites, Ben Russell
Sack Barrow, Ben Rivers
Seven Dogon Magicians, Ben Russell
Sip’ohi – El lugar del Manduré, Sebastiãn Lingiardi
Soldats anonyms, Isaki Lacuesta & Pere Vilà
Some Actions Which Haven’t Been Defined Yet in the Revolution, Sun Xun
Teodors (Theodore), Laila Pakalnina
Three Men and a Fish Pond, Laila Pakalnina & Maris Maskalans
Trypps #6 (Malobi), Ben Russell
Trypps #7 (Badlands), Ben Russell
Tu resteras hyène (L'impossible, Part V), Sylvain George
Vela, Laila Pakalnina
We, the Living, Andrés Duque
We the People, Ben Rivers
“The Star Spangled Banner” From Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On?, Sam Pollard
A Joy, Jodie Mack
A Poem Is A Naked Person, Les Blank
A Reunion Of All My Babies, George Stoney & David Bagnall
A Trip Down Market Street, The Miles Bros.
Acts Of Faith, Bibi Calderaro
Attrazione D’amore, Frank Scheffer
Audience Analysis #4, Melinda Stone
Blinking Lights, Bibi Calderaro
Bongo Rock, Luis Bras
Carlos Gardel Film Songs, Eduardo Morera
Center For Land Use Interpretation Suggested Photo Spots, Melinda Stone & Igor Vamos
Cinémas De L’industrie, Caroline Martel
Cotton Road, Laura Kissel
Developing Memory, Melinda Stone & Naomi Uman
En Las Orcadas Del Sur, José Manuel Moneta
Enigma, Lillian Schwartz
Everyone Needs A Hoe, Melinda Stone
Feel Like Going Home, Martin Scorsese (Produced by Sam Pollard)
From Zero, Frank Scheffer
Googolplex, Lillian Schwartz
Heddling, Laura Kissel
Helicopter String Quartet, Frank Scheffer
How To Smell A Rose, Les Blank
If God Is Willing And Da Creek Don’t Rise, Spike Lee (Produced & Edited by Sam Pollard)
Invisible City, Tan Pin Pin
Jazz Dance, George Tilton (Cinematography by Richard Leacock)
Kivalina La Esquimal, Earl Rossman
La Danza De Los Cubos, Luis Bras
Lilly, Jodie Mack
Louisiana Story Survey Film, Robert Flaherty (Cinematography by Richard Leacock)
Market Street 1905/2005, Melinda Stone & Liz Keim
Market Street, Tomonari Nishikawa
Moods Of A City, Westwood Movie Club
Morphing Of The Telephone, Lillian Schwartz
Mosaico Criollo, Eleuterio Iribarren
Moving House, Tan Pin Pin
Multiple Sidosis, Sid Laverents
Mutations, Lillian Schwartz
Nanook Of The North 4k Scan, Robert Flaherty
On Being There With Richard Leacock, Jane Weiner
Papillons, Lillian Schwartz
Pixillation, Lillian Schwartz
Posthaste Perennial Pattern, Jodie Mack
Secrets Of The Alewife, Episode II: Making Whey Ale, Melinda Stone
Singapore Gaga, Tan Pin Pin
Situacion #1, Bibi Calderaro
Song Of The Griot, Sam Pollard & Volker Goetze
Spend It All, Les Blank & Skip Gerson
Sprout Wings And Fly, Les Blank
Streaming Past, Present Moments, Frank Scheffer
Tan Mian Hua, Laura Kissel
The 6th Flaherty Seminar, Henry Charles Fleischer
The Artist And The Computer, Lillian Schwartz
The Blues Accordin’ To Lightnin’ Hopkins, Les Blank
The California Tour Documentary, Melinda Stone
The Discovery Of Vienna At The North Pole, Peter Eng
The Florestine Collection, Helen Hill & Paul Gailiunas
The Future Is Bright, Jodie Mack
The Hidden Mona Lisa, Lillian Schwartz
The Impossibility Of Knowing, Tan Pin Pin
The Incredible Adventures Of The Primitive Creature, Melinda Stone
The Moma PSA, Lillian Schwartz
The Phantom Of The Operator, Caroline Martel
The Southland, Melinda Stone
The Ways Of Water, Gregory Heimer (Cinematography by Les Blank)
This Land Is Your Land, Melinda Stone
To Hear Your Banjo Play, Irving Lerner & Willard Van Dyke
Toc, Toc… Toc, Luis Bras
Tuneful Wings, Dorothy Orr & Othel G. Goff
UFOs, Lillian Schwartz
Unsubscribe #1, Jodie Mack
Unsubscribe #2, Jodie Mack
Unsubscribe #3, Jodie Mack
Unsubscribe #4, Jodie Mack
Untitled In White, Bibi Calderaro
Wagner’s Ring, Frank Scheffer
Wavemakers, Caroline Martel
When The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, Spike Lee (Produced & Edited by Sam Pollard)
Window Cleaning In Shanghai, Laura Kissel
Yard Work Is Hard Work, Jodie Mack
Agrarian Utopia, Urphong Raksasad
Ajube Kete, Akosua Adoma Owusu
Alamar, Pedro González-Rubioa
Body Waving II: White Afro, Akosua Adoma Owusu
Campaign, Kazuhiro Soda
Cheese, Mika Rottenberg
China Town, Lucy Raven
Clay, Naomi Uman
Crisis Passed in Sleep, A , Lucy Raven
Dough, Mika Rottenberg
Ghost Town, Dayong Zhao
Haiku, Michael Glawogger
Industrial Britain, Robert Flaherty
Intermittent Delight, Akosua Adoma Owusu
Kalendar, Naomi Uman
La Libertad, Lisandro Alonso
Liverpool, Lisandro Alonso
Longest Day, The, Uruphong Raksasad
Los Herederos, Eugenio Polgovsky
Los Muertos, Lisandro Alonso
March of Time, The, Uruphong Raksasad
Me Broni Ba, Akosua Adoma Owusu
Megacities, Michael Glawogger
Mental, Kazuhiro Soda
Oriza Hirata, Kazuhiro Soda
Papapapa, Alex Rivera
Populus Tremula, Benj Gerdes & Jennifer Hayashida
Preenactment (Model Industries 1977/2008), Lucy Raven
push button: a history of idleness & ignorance, Gibbs Chapman
Short Shotes from the North, Urphong Raksasad
Sleep Dealer, Alex Rivera
Squeeze, Mika Rottenberg
Street Life, Dayong Zhao
Adventures of Blacky, The, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Aquarium, The, Pawel Wojtasik
At the Museum: A Pilgramage of Vanquished Objects, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Baghdad Days, Hiba Bassem
Bamako, Abderrahmane Sissako
Bandeja de Bolivar (Bolivar's Platter), Juan Manuel Echavarria
Based on a Story, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Bocas de Ceniza (Mouths of Ash), Juan Manuel Echavarria
Catapult, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Cave, The, Beryl Korot and Steve Reich
Chickens, The, Omar Amiralay
Clean Thursday, Aleksandr Rastorguev
Clockwork, Jeanne C. Finly + John Muse
Corte de Florero (Flower Vase Cut), Juan Manuel Echavarria
Dachau 1974, Beryl Korot
Dark Sun Squeeze, Pawel Wojtasik
Dolly, Beryl Korot and Steve Reich
Film-Essay on the Euphrates Dam, Omar Amiralay
Flaherty and Film: Moana, Robert Flaherty
Flatland, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
A Flood in Ba'ath Country, Omar Amiralay
Florence, Beryl Korot
Guarded, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Guernica, Robert Flaherty
Guerra y Pa (War and Peace), Juan Manuel Echavarria
Kristallnacht, Chick Strand
La Maria, Juan Manuel Echavarria
Life After the Fall, Kasim Abid
Lightning Testimonies, The, Amar Kanwar
Many Faces of Madness, The, Amar Kanwar
Matrioskos, Deimantas Narkevicius
Moana, Robert Flaherty
Monumentos, Juan Manuel Echavarria
Mujer de Milfuegos, Chick Strand
Naked, Pawel Wojtasik
Napoleon Room, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
Nascentes Morimur, Pawel Wojtasik
On the Third Planet from the Sun, Pavel Medvedev
Once in the XX Century, Deimantas Narkevicius
A Plate of Sardines, Omar Amiralay
Port of Memory, Kamal Aljafari
Roof, The, Kamal Aljafari
A Season Outside, Amar Kanwar
Sin, Susanna Helke and Virpi Suutari
Soft Fiction, Chick Strand
Spring, Susanna Helke and Virpi Suutari
Surda Checkpoint, Kasim Abid
Sweetgrass, Ilisa Barbash and Lucien Castaing-Taylor
Torn First Pages, The: The Face, Amar Kanwar
Torn First Pages, The: Ma Win Maw Oo, Amar Kanwar
Torn First Pages, The: Thet Win Aung, Amar Kanwar
Twenty-Four Dollar Island, Robert Flaherty
Unseen, The, Pavel Medvedev
Vacation in November, Pavel Medvedev
Visit Iraq, Kamal Aljafari
Waiting for Happiness, Abderrahmane Sissako
War, Susanna Helke and Virpi Suutari
Wedding of Silence, Pavel Medvedev
White Sky, Susanna Helke and Virpi Suutari
Winery Lake, Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse
731: Two Versions of Hell, James T. Hong
Backyard Border, The, Lee Wang
Betrayal, The (Nerakhoun), Ellen Kuras and Thavisouk Phrasavath
Black Sea Files, Ursula Biemann
Border, Laura Waddington
Calavera Highway, Renee Tajima-Peña
Cargo, Laura Waddington
Casa de Lava, Pedro Costa
Colossal Youth, Pedro Costa
Contained Mobility, Ursula Biemann
Dan Carter, Alison Kobayashi
Exiles, The), Kent MacKenzie
False Friends, Sylvia Schedelbauer
Form of the Good, James T. Hong
From Alex to Alex, Alison Kobayashi
God is My Safest Bunker, Lee Wang
Green Dolphin, Oliver Husain
Grossraum, Lonnie Ban Brummelen in collaboration with Siebren de Haan
Half Moon, Bahman Ghobadi
In Vanda's Room, Pedro Costa
Land, The), Robert Flaherty
Lessons of the Blood, James T. Hong
Life in Fog, Bahman Ghobadi
Lottery of the Sea, Allan Sekula
Memories, Sylvia Schedelbauer
Monument of Sugar: How to Use Artistic Means to Elude Trade Barriers, Lonnie van brummelen in collaboration with Siebren de Haan
My America...or Hong if You Love Buddha, Renee Tajima-Peña
On That Day, Babak Amini
Piggy Bank That I Found, The, Arsham Naghshbandi
Q, Oliver Husain
Remote Intimicy, Sylvia Shedelbauer
Sahara Chronicles, Ursula Biemann
Short Film For Laos, A, Allan Sekula
Shrivel, Oliver Husain
Skate Manzanar, Renee Tajima-Peña
Squiggle, Oliver Husain
Tarrafal, Pedro Costa
This Shall be a Sign, James T. Hong
Time For Drunken Horses, A, Bahman Ghobadi
90 Miles, Juan Carlos Zaldivar
Africanized, Theo Eshetu
Africans Demand Liberation, Archival Newsreel
Al Otro Lado (To the Other Side), Natalia Almada
All Water Has a Perfect Memory, Natalia Almada
El Baile en Chepe (The Ball in Chepe), Vicente Ferraz
Bepanda, Osvalde Lewat-Hallade
Blood is Not Fresh Water, Theo Eshetu
Body & Soul v.3, Theo Eshetu
Borom Sarret, Ousmane Sembene
Bye Bye Africa, Mahamat Saleh Haroun
Cinépolis, La Capital del Ciné (Cinépolis, The Capital of Film),Ximena Cuevas
The Congo--What Now? Archival Newsreel
Contemporary Artist, Ximena Cuevas
Conversations on a Sunday Afternoon, Khalo Matabane
Conversations wit de Churen V: As da Art World Might Turn, Kalup Linzy
Corn Stalks (Xanini), Dante Cerano
Da Young and Da Mess #3, Kalup Linzy
Daratt (Dry Season), Mahamat Saleh Haroun
Day 2 (DÃa 2), Dante Cerano Bautista
El Diablo en la Piel (Devil in the Flesh), Ximena Cuevas
Elephant Boy, Robert Flaherty and Zoltan Korda
Ensayo de un Crimen (Essay of a Crime), Ximena Cuevas
Entreatos (Intermissions), Joao Moreira Salles
The Eye of the Day (De Stand van de Zon),Leonard Retel Helmrich
Focus on Africa, Archival Newsreel
The Forgotten Man, Osvalde Lewat-Hallade
El General, Natalia Almada
Half Lies (Medias Mentiras), Ximena Cuevas
I am Cuba (Soy Cuba / Ya Kuba), Mikhail Kalatozov
I am Cuba, The Siberian Mammoth (Soy Cuba, O Mamute Siberiano), Vicente Ferraz
Intermissions (Entreatos), Joao Moreira Salles
The King of Cha Cha Chá (El Rey del Cha Cha Chá),
Vicente Ferraz, Isabel Martinez
Lollypop, Kalup Linzy
A Love During the War (Un Amour pendant la guerre),
Osvalde Lewat-Hallade
Madame Brouette (Mrs. Wheelbarrow), Moussa Sene Absa
Medias Mentiras (Half Lies), Ximena Cuevas
Moscow Meets Friends: Che Guevara Visits Moscow, Archival Newsreel
Promised Paradise, Leonard Retel Helmrich
The Pursuit of Gay (Happyness), Kalup Linzy
El Rey del Cha Cha Chá (The King of Cha Cha Chá),
Vicente Ferraz, Isabel Martinez
Santiago, Joao Moreira Salles
Someone Behind the Door, Ximena Cuevas
Soy Cuba / Ya Kuba (I am Cuba), Mikhail Kalatozov
Soy Cuba, O Mamute Siberiano (I am Cuba,
The Siberian Mammoth), Vicente Ferraz
Stand van de Maan (The Shape of the Moon),Leonard Retel Helmrich
Stand van de Zon (The Eye of the Day), Leonard Retel Helmrich
Story of a Beautiful Country, Khalo Matabane
Surviving Sabu, Ian Iqbal Rashid
Tableau Ferraille, Moussa Sene Absa
Tea in the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh Haroun
La Tómbola, Ximena Cuevas
UK: London: Mr. Louw's Views on UN Congo Intervention, Archival Newsreel
Xanini (Corn Stalks), Dante Cerano Bautista
<I>Actaeon at Home, Vladimir
The Angelmakers, Ryan Krivoshey
Banditi a Orgosolo (Bandits at Orgosolo), Vittorio De Seta
The Big Durian, Amir Muhammad
A Case History of a Multiple Personality, Zoe Beloff
Charming Augustine, Zoe Beloff
Chronicles of a Professional Eulogist, Sarah Jane Lapp
El Cielo Gira (The Sky Turns), Mercedes Alvarez
Claire and Don in Slumberland, Zoe Beloff
Contadini del mare (Peasants of the Sea), Vittorio De Seta
Czech Dream, Vit Klusak and Filip Remunda
Death Star, Eddo Stern
Diario di un maestro (A Schoolmaster's Diary),Vittorio De Seta
Divided Attention, Roger Ngim
Don't Leave Without News, Christine Khalafian
Fear & Trembling, Vladimir
Un giorno in Barbagia (A Day in Barbagia),Vittorio De Seta
The Glass Crow, Steven Subotnick
Goshogaoka, Sharon Lockhart
Happy are the Happy (your best joke, please),Sarah Jane Lapp and Jenny Perlin
The Haunted Camera, Nancy Andrews
How to Fix the World, Jacqueline Goss
Isole di fuoco (Islands of Fire), Vittorio De Seta
It Works, Fridolin Schonwiese
Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis, Mary Jordan
John & Jane Toll-Free, Ashim Ahluwalia
Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, Stanley Nelson
The Last Communist (Lelaki Komunis Terakhir),Amir Muhammad
Losing Ground, Patty Chang
Man of Aran, Robert Flaherty
Monkey and Lumps, Nancy Andrews
Nine Experiments on Peripheral Vision, Adele Horne
Organum, Gregory Niemeyer
Pasqua in Sicilia (Easter in Sicily), Vittorio De Seta
Pine Flat, Sharon Lockhart
Possible Models, Jenny Perlin
100 Charts, Michael Lewy
Ashim Ahluwalia
Kathleen Ruiz
Ben Coonley
Gregory Niemeyer and Irene Chien
Powerpoint Para Un Presidente,Juan Jose Infante
Sea of Possibilities, David Byrne
Various Small Images of Fire and Mild, Michael Bell-Smith
Where Things Went Bad, J. Herschend
The Public Life of Jeremiah Barnes, Vladimir
Scotch Tape, Jack Smith
Sharp Proofing, Pearce Williams
Sheik Attack, Eddo Stern
Site Specific Las Vegas, Olivo Barbiero
South of Ten, Liza Johnson
Stranger Comes to Town, Jacqueline Goss
Suprematist Kapital, James T. Hong and Yin-Ju Chen
Surfarara (Sulphur Mines), Vittorio De Seta
The Tailenders, Adele Horne
Lu tempu di li pisci spata (The Swordfish Season), Vittorio De Seta
Thin Air, Ashim Ahluwalia
To Live or Die, Scott Stark
Untertage (Days Under), Jiska Rickels
Untitled (Eels), Patty Chang
Village B, Filip Remunda
Volver la Vista (The Gaze Back), Fridolin Schonwiese
El Abuelo Cheno y Otras Historias, Juan Carlos Rulfo
Afrique, Je Te Plumerai, Jean-Marie Teno
Animali Criminali, Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi
Animated Minds, Andy Glynne
Aquila, Jacopo Erbi
Automovil Gris, Film - Enrique Rosas, Performance
Claudio Valdes Kuri & Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes
Un Banquete en Tetlapayac, Olivier Debroise
Black and White Home Movies, Robert Flaherty
Black Journal, William Greaves
Cesare Lombroso-SullÕOdore del Garofano, Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi
Chile, Memoria Obstinada, Patricio Guzman
The Colonial Misunderstanding, Jean-Marie Teno
Color Home Movies, Robert Flaherty
Color tests for The Land, Robert Flaherty
Color tests for Lousiana Story, Robert Flaherty
Danube Exodus, Peter Forgacs
Death Day in Mexico, Sergei Eisenstein
Del Olvido Al No Me Acuerdo, Juan Carlos Rulfo
Es Liegt an Dir!, Wolfgang Kiepenheuer
Exhumaciones e Inhumaciones en Guatemala,Emiliana Aguilar
The Frances and Robert Flaherty Study Center Exhibition
His MotherÕs Voice, Dennis Tupicoff
History Lessons, Barbara Hammer
Houen Zo!, Herman van der Horst
How Little We Know of Our Neighbors, Rebecca Baron
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, Mark Harris
Isahn, Soon-Mi Yoo
The Labyrinth Project Interactive Installation, Marsha Kinder
Los Angeles Station, Leandro Katz
Me and Mr. Marshall, Stuart Schulberg
Mutual Analysis, Peter Forgacs
The Natural History of the Chicken, Mark Lewis
Nicht Storen! Funktion Arsversammlung, Hans Herbert
Oh Uomo!, Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi
Okay Bye-Bye, Rebecca Baron
Omitted scenes from Man of Aran, Robert Flaherty
Paradox, Leandro Katz
El Perro Negro à Stories From the Spanish Civil War, Peter Forgacs
The Pottery Maker, Robert Flaherty
Recollection, Arshia Haq
Repatriation, Kim Dong-Won
Resisting Paradise, Barbara Hammer
Retrato Oficial, Francisca Duran
Salvador Allende, Patricio Guzman
Silence, Orly Yadin and Sylvie Bringas
Slide Presentation, Leandro Katz
Ssitkim-Talking to the Dead, Soon-Mi Yoo
Suite For Freedom, Caroline Leaf, Luc Perez, Aleksandra Korejwo Survivors, Shelia Sofian
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm Take 1, William GreavesSymbiopsychotaxiplasm Take 2 1/2, William Greaves
La Television y Yo, Andres Di Tella
Time in the Sun, Sergei Eisenstein
Untitled Part 3B, Jayce Salloum
Untitled Part 4: Terra Incognita, Jayce Salloum
Video Remains, Alexandra Juhasz
--- ------- (aka Short Line Long Line), Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick
( ),Morgan Fisher
Altair, Lewis Klahr
American Street/Precious Places Project(Excerpt), Termite TV/Scribe Video Center
Arctic Requiem, Multimedia and Musical Reconception of Robert Flaherty's Nanook of the North
Bocas de Ceniza (Mouths of Ash), Juan Manuel Echavarria
Bright Leaves, Ross McElwee
Chronique d' Un Ete (Chronicle of A Summer),Jean Rouch & Edgar Morin
Cool World, The, Shirley Clarke
Crossroads, Bruce Conner
Daylight Moon, Lewis Klahr
Deep Dish (Excerpts)
Energy Country, Deborah Stratman
Engram Sepals, Lewis Klahr
Family Gathering (Excerpt), Lise Yasui with Ann Tegnell
Fear of Blushing, Jennifer Reeves
Free Fall, Arthur Lipsett
Getting Out, George Stoney
Glint, Eve Heller
Going Back Home, Louise Bourque
Handsworth Songs, Black Audio Film Collective â€" Directed by John Akomfrah
He Walked Away, Jennifer Reeves
Her Glacial Speed, Eve Heller
Incense, Shiho Kano
It's Not My Memory of It â€" Three Recollected Documents, Julia Meltzer & David Thorne
Journeys, Vinayan Kodoth
Jours En Fleurs, Louise Bourque
Just Words, Louise Bourque
Killer of Sheep, Charles Burnett
Last Lost, Eve Heller
La Pointe Courte (The Short Point), Agnes Varda
La Venganza De Pancho Villa (The Vengeance of Pancho Villa), Edmundo Padilla
Les Ordres (The Order) (Excerpt), Michel Brault
Les Raquetteurs (The Snowshoers), Michel Brault & Gilles Groulx
Lightning Over Braddock, Tony Buba
Lost Motion, Janie Geiser
Lost Reels of Pancho Villa, The, Gregorio Rocha
Musical Adventure in Siberia, A (Excerpt), Richard Leacock & Victoria Leacock
Nocturne, Phil Solomon
Paper Tiger (Excerpts)
Pony Glass, Lewis Klahr
Pour La Suite du Monde (Of Whales, Men, and the Moon), Michel Brault & Pierre Perrault
Primary (Excerpt), Richard Leacock, Terence Macartney-Filgate, Albert Maysles, & D.A. Pennebaker
Promised Land, Marcos Arriaga
Rose Hobart, Joseph Cornell
Seasons…, Phil Solomon & Stan Brakhage
Self Portrait Post Mortem, Louise Bourque
Short Fuse, Warren Sonbert
Sink or Swim (Excerpt), Su Friedrich
Skagafjordur, Peter Hutton
Soft Ticket, Lewis Klahr
Southeast Passage: A Journey to the New Blank Spots on the Map of Europe Part I (Excerpt), Ulrike Ottinger
Standard Gauge, Morgan Fisher
Study of a River, Peter Hutton
Superbia (The Pride), Ulrike Ottinger
Superocheros (Various Directors, Mexico, 1970's, Excerpts), Compiled by Jesse Lerner
Taiga (Excerpt), Ulrike Ottinger
Themes, Luis Valdovino & Dan Boord
Time We Killed, The, Jennifer Reeves
Tongues Untied, Marlon Riggs
Trains of Winnipeg â€" 14 Film Poems, Clive Holden
Trip to the Country, A, Jean-Marie Teno
Twighlight Psalm III: "Night of the Meek," Phil Solomon
T.Z., Robert Breer
Urinal (Excerpt), John Greyson
Video Freaks (Excerpts)
Weirded Out and Blown Away, Sharon Greytak
What Goes Up, Robert Breer
What Mozart Saw On Mulberry Street, Rudy Burckhardt & Joseph Cornell
Winter Soldier (Excerpt)
Afghan Spring By TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki
The Age of the Earth By Glauber Rocha
America Is Feeding The Hungry By Mariana Tschudi
An Engineer's Assistant By TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki
An Injury To One By Travis Wilkerson
August: A Moment Before the Eruption By Avi Mograbi
Birth of a Nation 4*29*92 By Matt McDaniel
Calcutta Intersection By Alfred Guzzetti
A Certain Point By Pip Starr
Company Town By James Rutenbeck
Copwatch By Guerilla News Network
Drowned Out By Franny Armstrong
A Few Notes On Our Food Problem By James Blue
Flashbacks From My Past "Starry Night" By Irra Verbitsky
FreeSpeech TV presentation by Eric Galatas
Guernica By Robert Flaherty
Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi By Avi Mograbi
Interviews With My Lai Veterans By Joseph Strick
Kalama Sutta By Holly Fisher
The Land By Robert Flaherty
Losing Ground By James Rutenbeck
Mai's America By Marlo Poras
McLibel: Two Worlds Collide By Franny Armstrong
Media Killa 2 By Matthew McDaniel
Minamata: The Victims and Their World By TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki
National Archive By Travis Wilkerson
Now Let Us Praise American Leftists By Paul Chan
Nursing Mother By Amy Kaczur
On the Road: The Document By TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki
Presentation by Filipino activist Joey Lozano and Sam Gregory
Profit and Nothing But! Or Impolite Thoughts on the Class Struggle By Raoul Peck
The Quiet and Subtle Cyclone By Guerrilla News Network
Raymundo By Ernesto Ardito and Virna Molina
Rocha Que Voa By Eryk Rocha
Seeing Is Believing: Handicams, Huma Rights, and The News By Peter Wintonick and Katerina Cizek
Shiranui Sea By TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki
Silent Song By Elida Schodt
A Soldier's Dream By Alexander Sokurov
The Sound of The Violin in My Lai By Tran Van Thuy
Starbux Sux, or No One Ever Looked Sophisticated Sitting in a Franchise Store By Pip Starr
Starting Place By Robert Kramer
A Story From a Corner of The Park By Tran Van Thuy
The Story of Kindness By Tran Van Thuy
Terror/Iraq/Weapons By Mike Nourse
The Tower of Industrial Life By Alfred Guzzetti
The Trickle Down Theory of Sorrow By Mary Filippo
A Tropical Story By Alfred Guzzetti
2084: Video Clip Pour Une Reflexion Syndicale et Pour Le Plaisir By Chris Marker
Unhappy Meal By RRoom
Wait, It's The Soldiers, I'll Hang Up Now By Avi Mograbi
The Walnut Tree By Elida Schogt
White Flight By Amy Kaczur
Who Do You Think You Are By Mary Filippo
Woomera By Pip Starr
Zyklon Portrait By Elida Schogt
Ain't We Having Fun By Chuck Statler.
Andre The Giant Has A Posse By Helen Stickler
Archival Footage For "La Lupe" By Ela Troyano
Autopilot By Robert Banks
Benjamin Smoke By Jem Cohen
Blue Max By Kenji Onishi
Bubble People By Ela Troyano
Burn By Reynold Reynolds And Patrick Jolley
A Burning Star By Kenji Onishi.
Carmelita Tropicana: Your Kunst Is Your WaffenBy Ela Troyano
Celluloid Memory By Kenji Onishi
The Circle 1 By James Fotopoulos
The Circle 2 By James Fotopoulos
Consumed 1-5 By James Fotopoulos
Cul De Sac: A Suburban War Story By Garrett Scott
The Daily Number By Kevin Everson
(Daniel Pearl Video)
Drowning By James Fotopoulos
The Drowning Room By Reynold Reynolds And Patrick Jolley
Eaux D'artifice By Kenneth Anger
Eleven Eighty Two By Kevin Everson
Fable Safe By Erik Barnouw With Animation By John Osborn
The Fancy By Elisabeth Subrin
Growth By James Fotopoulos
Half-Cocked By Suki Hawley And Michael Galinsky
Hand Eye Coordination By Naomi Uman
Harry Potter Parking Lot By Jeff Krulik
Heavy Metal Parking Lot By Jeff Krulik And John Heyn
Hiroshima-Nagasaki, photographed By Akira Iwasaki (In 1945), produced By Erik Barnouw and written By Paul Ronder
Hitler's Hat (Work-In-Progress) By Jeff Krulik
Hop On The Bus Gus By Jeff Krulik
Horns & Halos By Suki Hawley And Michael Galinsky
Ich Will (Work-In-Progress) By Kenneth Anger.
I Created Lancelot Link By Jeff Krulik And Diane Bernard
Imported By Kevin Everson
I Was Born But… (Work-In-Progress) By Roddy Bogawa
Invocation Of My Demon Brother By Kenneth Anger
King Of Porn By Jeff Krulik
Kustom Kar Kommandos By Kenneth Anger
Leche By Naomi Uman
Light Point By Kenji Onishi
Little Flags By Jem Cohen
Lost Book Found By Jem Cohen
Lucifer Rising By Kenneth Anger
Mala Leche (Work-In-Progress) By Naomi Uman
The Man We Want To Hang (Work-In-Progress)By Kenneth Anger
Merger By Kevin Everson
Migrating Forms By Jim Fotopoulos
Mpg Motion Picture Genocide By Robert Banks
My First Drug The Idiot Box By Robert Banks
Neil Diamond Parking Lot By Jeff Krulik And John Heyn
Nyc: 9/11 By John Schnall
Obsessed With Jews By Jeff Krulik
Outlet By Robert Banks
Pancake By Jeff Krulik
Pick Six By Kevin Everson
Playboy Voodoo By Ela Troyano And Tessa Hughes-Freeland
Private Movie By Naomi Uman
Public Access Gibberish By Jeff Krulik And A Cast Of Thousands
Puce Moment By Kenneth Anger
Rainbow Man / John 3:16 By Sam Green
Reflection In The Lens: Robert Flaherty (Trailer)By David Scheerer And Dennis Aig
Removed By Naomi Uman
Roji-No-Ko By Kenji Onishi
Second Shift By Kevin Everson
Seven Days Til Sunday By Reynold Reynolds And Patrick Jolley
Shulie By Elisabeth Subrin
Six Positions By Kevin Everson
Sportello Quattro By Kevin Everson
Stoked: The Rise And Fall Of GatorBy Helen Stickler
Swallow By Elisabeth Subrin
Thermostat By Kevin Everson
Thorn & Toad By Tobin Yelland
Totem Of The Depraved By Ela Troyano
A Tribute To Mal Sharpe Compiled By Jeff Krulik
Twenty-Four Dollar Island: A Camera Impression Of New York By Robert Flaherty
Underground By Emile De Antonio, Mary Lampson, & Haskell Wexler
Un Euro Venti Due By Kevin Everson
Vanessa By Kevin Everson
Weather Underground (Work-In-Progress) By Sam Green And Bill Siegel
A Weekend With The Barnouws By George Stoney, David Bagnall, And Amit Das
A Week In The Hole By Kevin Everson
Well, Well, Well By Elisabeth Subrin With Music By Le Tigre
X The Baby Cinema By Robert Banks
Africa Faith Hubley
Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner Zacharias Kunuk
Beauty Will Change the World Stefan Jarl
Blake Ball Emily Hubley
Blue Derek Jarman
Blue Vinyl Judith Helfand
Brave New Land, A Lucia Murat
Breath Andrej Zdravic
Crazy Heddy Honigmann
Death by Design Emily Hubley
Delivery Man Emily Hubley
Dirty Laundry Richard Fung
Ex Voto Tania Cypriano
Going Equipped Peter Lord
Heartbeat Andrej Zdravic
Hedwig and the Angry Inch John Cameron Mitchell
Her Grandmother's Gift Emily Hubley
Herman Slobbe/Blind Child 2 Johan van der Keuken
Ice Blocks: Episode #4 from "Nunuvat" (Igloolik Isuma Productions) Independent Spirits Sybil del Guardia, Patty Wineapple
Metal and Melancholy Heddy Honigmann
Miss Ladybird and the Seven Pricks Jan Troell
My Grandmother's Camera (w-i-p) Tania Cypriano
My Universe Inside Out Faith Hubley
O Amor Natural Heddy Honigmann
Obon Andrej Zdravic
Odô Yá! Life With AIDS Tania Cypriano
On a Sunday Afternoon Max Fleischer
One Self: Fish/Girl Emily Hubley
Origin Andrej Zdravic
Our Spirited Earth Faith Hubley
Phenix Andrej Zdravic
Photographs of Robert Flaherty (slide presentation)
Lecture by Jo-Anne Birnie-Danzker
Pigeon Within Emily Hubley
Puddles Andrej Zdravic
Riverglass Andrej Zdravic
Saadia: A Moroccan Woman In The ResistanceTarik Cherkaoui Sea In The Blood Richard Fung
TRUT (Seahawk) Arne Sucksdorff
Seers and Clowns Faith Hubley
Shooting Blind (slides with narration) Seeing with Photography Collective
Threat Stefan Jarl
Underground Orchestra Heddy Honigmann
War Story Peter Lord
The Way To My Father's Village Richard Fung
The Wedding of Palo Friedrich Dalsheim
Witch Madness Faith Hubley
W.O.W. / Women of the World Faith Hubley
04.04.00 (Light Valve) Luis Recoder
11.03.99 Luis Recoder
79 Springtimes of Ho Chi Minh Santiago Alvarez
Accelerated Development Travis Wilkerson
Acrobatic Fly F. Percy Smith
After the Game John Marshall
Aletheia Tran T. Kim-Trang
Apeshit Leah Gilliam
Baby Jane Screen Test Andy Warhol
Beyond Zoe Beloff
Black and Gold; Zapatista (clips)Big Noise Films
Bread Day Sergey Dvortsevoy
Breaking the Bank; Showdown in Seattle (clips) Paper Tiger TV
Bringing it to You RT Mark
Citizen Langlois Edgardo Cozarinsky
Consuming Spirits Chris Sullivan
Delamination Luis Recoder
Ekleipsis Tran T. Kim-Trang
Everything's For You Abraham Ravett
Fragments Project Peggy Ahwesh
Frances Flaherty: Hidden and Seeking Peter Werner
Gladio Allan Francovich
Highway Sergey Dvortsevoy
I Thought I was Seeing Convicts Harun Farocki
Image, An Harun Farocki
Images of the World and the Inscription of WarHarun Farocki
John Huston War Stories (clip) Midge Mackenzie
Kore Tran T. Kim-Trang
Lachrymae Brian Frye
Landscape With the Fall of Icarus Chris Sullivan
Little Tich And His Big Boots Anonymous
Live Nude Girls Unite! Vicky Funari & Julia Query
Love Life Of An Octopus Jean Painleve´
Lumiere Brothers' First Films Lumiere Brothers
March, The Abraham Ravett
Martina's Playhouse Peggy Ahwesh
Mechanical Medium: Performance Zoe Beloff
Moebius Strip Luis Recoder
Ocularis: Eye Surrogates Tran T. Kim-Trang
One Man's War Edgardo Cozarinsky
Operculum Tran T. Kim-Trang
Paradise Sergey Dvortsevoy
Paulina Vicky Funari & Jennifer Taylor
Saphire and the Slave Girl Leah Gilliam
Self Portrait Travis Wilkerson
Seven Hours to Burn Shanti Thakur
Split Leah Gilliam
Strange Weather Peggy Ahwesh
Sunset Boulevards Edgardo Cozarinsky
Twiggy Screen Test Ken Russell
Vampire, The Jean Painleve
Where Where There There Where Zoe Beloff
Workers Leaving the Factory Harun Farocki
Wormwood's Dog and Monkey Show or the Book of Hours Brian Frye
199921-87 Arthur Lipsett
Africans in America: Brotherly Love Jacquie Jones
Alone: Life Wastes Andy Hardy Martin Arnold
Amsterdam Global Village Johan van der Keuken
Anathema Julie Murray
Another Worldy
Another Worldy (excerpt from 1998 version) Back in the Saddle Again Scott Stark
Cadillac Desert: Mulholland Jon Else
Circles Short Circuit Caspar Stracke
Eyes on the Prize: Mississippi Is This America?
film found by S.S.: a soft-core gay porn film
Flag (dir. unknown; film found by Tom Whiteside)
Four Little Girls Spike Lee
A Fragmentary History Of The 21st Century Roger Warren Beebe
Gott Sei Dank Ricky Leacock
Halsted Street Conrad Friberg
Halsted Street, USA David Simpson
Inhabitants; The Beginning; Our Century; End; Life Peleshian Leacock compilation
Lillian David Williams
Locked Groove Caspar Stracke
Louisiana Story Study Film Robert Flaherty, Ricky Leacock & Frances Flaherty
Mirrors and Smoke Philip Mallory Jones & Katherine Milton
Movie, A Bruce Conner
Movies Greatest Headlines Castle Films
Nina Split in Two David Williams
Noblesse Oblige Warren Sonbert
Noema Scott Stark
On Animal Locomotion Johan van der Keuken
outtakes of color tv news anchor footage
Perfect Film Ken Jacobs
Sarajevo Film Festival Film Johan van der Keuken
Seasons Peleshian
Sing Faster! The Stagehands Ring Cycle Jon Else
Soap Opera Andy Warhol
Stranger With a Camera Elizabeth Barret
Studies in Hypnosis, director unknown (found by David Sherman) House is Black, The Farogh Farrokzhad
Inner World of Aphasia, The Thirteen David Williams
Title unknown; (dubbed "Friendless Faceless" by M.M., director unknown
We Peleshian
Works by Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, Airworld, Small Appliances
"_____" (director unknown; footage found by Orgone Cinema): various
"_____" by Ken Jacobs (year?): four short films by Jacobs
After Life Kore-eda Hirozaku
Ancestors in the Americas, Part 2: Around the Time Phil Bertelsen
August Without Him Kore-eda Hirokazu
Awodah Helmer Lerski
Carpet, The Leopold Lahola
Chinese in the Frontier West Loni Ding
Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs, The Walid Ra'aad
Eddie Cantor in Israel
Film of Her, The Bill Morrison
First Film of Palestine Murray Rosenberg
Free Fall Peter Forgacs
Hatikvah Producer: Julius Pinschewer
Hide and Seek Su Friedrich
Human Remains Jay Rosenblatt
Kioku Ga Ushinawareta Toki (Without Memory)Kore-eda Hirokazu
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Maelstrom Peter Forgacs
Meanwhile, Somewhere Peter Forgacs
Minjing Gushi (On the Beat) Ning Ying
On the Edge of Peace Ilan Ziv & Daoud Kuttab
Smell of Burning Ants, The Jay Rosenblatt
Song of Galilee Dani Wachsmann
Still Revolutionaries Sienna McLean
Video Nation Ilan Ziv & Daoud Kuttab
Who the Hell is Juliette? Carlos Marcovic
Wittgenstein Tractatus Peter Forgacs
Zhao Le (For Fun) Ning Ying
Abhoud Bypass Ohad Ufaz
Eddie Cantor in Israel
Ever Shot Anyone? Michal Aviad
For Fun Ning Ying
House in Jerusalem, A Amos Gitai
House on the Hill, The George L. George
Human Remains Jay Rosenblatt
I Do Gili Goldschmidt
Jazz Dance Ricky Leacock
Letters Not About Love Jacki Ochs
Louisiana Story Robert J. Flaherty
Meanwhile Somewhere Péter Forgács
Miracle Ogni Aviv
Mourning Period Chai Cohen
Musical Adventure in Siberia, A Ricky Leacock
On the Beat Ning Ying
Primary Ricky Leacock
Rain Joris Ivens
Secret Agent Jacki Ochs
Seminarians of Flaherty, The Phred Churchill
Smell of Burning Ants, the Jay Rosenblatt
Song of Galilee Dani Wachsmann
Take Omri, For Example Debbie Jivan
Tenant, The Avner Mazliah
Wittgenstein Tractatus (Episode) Péter Forgács
50 Feet of String Leighton Pierce
And Still I Rise Ngozi Onwurah
Bastion Point Merata Mita
Beyond Measure: Appalachian Culture & Economy Herb E. Smith
Bontoc Eulogy Marlon E. Fuente
Borealis Steina Vasulka
Claiming Open Spaces Austin Allen
Confirmation Of My Sins Zachery Longboy
Desert James Benning
Devil Never Sleeps, The (El Diablo Duerme)Lourdes Portillo
Every Telling Has A Taleing Marcelle Pecot
I Bring You Frankincense Ngozi Onwurah
If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By NowMarina McDougall
Kaneh satake: 270 Years of Resistance Alanis Obomsawin
Last Tape (For My Friends) Linda Gibson
Learning Path, The Loretta Todd
Living Tree Zachery Longboy
Long Journey Home Elizabeth Barret
Louisiana Story Robert J. Flaherty
Monumental Landscape, A Marina McDougall
My Name Is Kahentiiosta  Alanis Obomsawin
North On Evers James Benning
On Our Own Anne Johnson
Papapapa Alex Rivera
Patu Merata Mita
Personal Belongings Steve Bognar
Richard Cardinal: Cry From A Diary Of A MetisAlanis Obomsawin
Roam Sweet Home Ellen Spiro
Stranger With A Camera Elizabeth Barret
Suggested Photo Spots Malinda Stone & Igor Vamos
Violin Power (videotape) Steina Vasulka
Water Into Fire Zachery Longboy
Weather Diaries George Kuchar
Welcome II the Terrordome Ngozi Onwurah
A.K.A. Don Bonus Spencer Nakasako and Sokly Ny
Acting Our Age Gurinder Chadha
Anna 6 - 18 Nikita Mikhalkov
Bishop Museum Archives
Boy Nino Rodriguez
Clips from Camille Billops and James Hatch Collection
DeSoto Brown Archive Collection
DeSoto Brown's Collection
Diamond Queen Homi Wadia
Fearless: The Hunterwali Story Riyad Wadia
Gringo in Mananaland: A Musical, The Dee Dee Halleck
Ho! Kanada Peter Wintonick & Barbara Doran
If Andy Warhol's Super-8 Camera Could TalkRoddy Bogawa
KKK Boutique Ain't Just Rednecks, The Camille Billops and
James Hatch
Leona's Sister Gerri Jane Gillooly
Manufacturing Consent
Part 1: Thought Control in a Democratic SocietyPeter Wintonick
& Mark Achbar
Manufacturing Consent Part Two: Activating Dissent Peter Wintonick & Mark Achbar
Moana Robert Flaherty
Moving Memories Bob Nakamura & Karen Ishizuka
Obsessive Becoming Daniel Reeves
On Cannibalism Fatimah Tobing Rony
Our Secret Century Rick Prelinger
She Loves It, She Loves It Not Christine Tamblyn
Something Strong Within Bob Nakamura & Karen Ishizuka
Song of the Islands
Sonic Outlaws Craig Baldwin
Spin Brian Springer
Splash Thomas Allen Harris
Storytellers from the Pacific Phil Lucas
Sweep Sami Van Ingen & Philip Hoffman
Unzipped Douglas Keeve
Vintage: Families of Values Thomas Allen Harris
Wadia Archival Collection
30/15 Robert Drew
All My Babies George Stoney
Amerika Newsreel
Anak Maynila (Manila Child) Nonoy Dadivas
City of Gold Colin Low, Wolf Koenig
Cloud Door, The Mani Kaul
Dhrupad Mani Kaul
Dreamkeeper Phillip Mallory Jones
Eyes on the Prize-Promised Land: The Mountain Top #204 (Segment) Jackie Shearer, Paul Steckler
Flow Yau Ching
Fragments (excerpt) Lito Tiongson
Great Mother (HARUMI) Mako Idemitsu
Great Mother (Sachiko) Mako Idemitsu
Great Mother (Yumiko) Mako Idemitsu
Happy Mother's Day Richard Leacock, Joyce Chopra
Her Sweetness Lingers Shani Mootoo
Herb Schiller Reads the New York Times #3 Dee Dee Halleck
Hideo, It's Me Mama Mako ldemitsu
Hiroshima-Nagasaki, August 1945 Erik Barnouw, Paul Ronder &Â Barbara Van Dyke
History and Memory Rea Tajiri
I Blinked Three Times Seoungho Cho
I Need Your Full Cooperation Kathy High
Ideal Na(rra)tion, The Yau Ching
Isaak Nick Deocampo
Island With Striped Sky, The Seoungho Cho
Jollies Sadie Benning
Kioko's Situation Mako Idemitsu
Leaving Bakul Bagan Sandeep Ray
Marriage of Yasushi, The Mako Idemitsu
Memories from the Department of Amnesia Janice Tanaka
Memories of Old Manila Nick Deocampo
Meta Mayan II Edin Valez
Mongoloid Bruce Connor
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Necrology Standish D. Lawder
Opium and Memory Seoungho Cho
Paddle and a Compass, A Shani Mootoo, Wendy Oberlander Paradise View Go Takemine
Photography GoTakamine
Primary Robert Drew, Richard Leacock
Quint City Ricky Leacock, Joyce Chopra
Revolutions Happen Like Refrains in a Song Nick Deocampo
Rinsho Kategaru (Sing and Talk) Go Takamine
Sagdati (Deliverance) Satyajit Ray
Siddeshwari Mani Kaul
Slanted Vision (excerpt) Ming Yuen S. Ma Toc Storee Ming Yuen S. Ma
Tongues Untied Marlon Riggs
Trip Juan Pula
Union Maids Julia Reichert, Jim Klein
Untama Giru Go Takamine
Uski Roti (A Day's Bread) Mani Kaul
Video Letters 1, 2 & 3 Yau Ching
White Christmas Michael Magnaye
Who are the Contras? Pamela Yates, Peter Kinoy
Wild Women in the Woods, The Shani Mootoo
What's Wrong With You? Mako Idemitsu
You Are on Indian Land Mohawk Indians with George Stoney
Alaya Nathaniel Dorsky
All That's Left Katherine Hurbis-Cherrier
Baby Kake Harry Gamoa Jr.
Black Is Black Ain't (exerpt) Marlon Riggs
Boston Fire Peter Hutton
Brickmakers, The Marta Rodriguez
Builders of Images Juan Mandelbaum
Bust Up Cathy Cook
Carmelita Tropicana Ela Troyano
Cassandra Seething at the Mouth Aline Mare
Cities of Lust Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
Cocolos y Roqueros Ana Maria Garcia
Columbus on Trial Lourdes Portillo
Cowboy-lndian Raphael Montanez Ortiz
Crossing Leighton Pierce
Destruction Room Raphael Montanez Ortiz
Discovering Columbus Richard A. Lou, Robert J.Sanchez
Drowning, The Raphael Montanez Ortiz
El Espejo/The Mirror Frances Salome Espana
El Mundo L A.: Humberto Sandoval Actor Harry Gamoa Jr.
ex-voto Tania Cypriano
Eyes and Ears/White Picket Fence Leighton Pierce
Glass Jaw Michael O'Reilly
Gynecological Chronicles Monica Henriquez
Henny Penny: The Sky is Falling Raphael Montanez Ortiz
History Lessons Katherine Hubris-Cherrier, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
History of the Luiseno People: La Jolla Indian Reservation Christmas 1990, The Isaac Artenstein, James Luna
In Titan's Goblet Peter Hutton
Interieur (Interior) Vincent Grenier
Is it right... to tamper with the problem? Raphael Montanez Ortiz
June Brides Cathy Cook
Kikiriki Tony Labat
Kiss, The Raphael Montanez Ortiz
L'Homme sur les Quais Raoul Peck
L.A. Familia Harry Gamoa Jr.
Letters to Two Young Women Karen Nulf
Lodz Symphony Peter Hutton
Love, Women and Flowers Marta Rodriguez
Lumumba Raoul Peck
Malcom X Orlando Bagwell
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Match That Started My Fire, The Cathy Cook
Memento Mori Karen Nulf
Merida Poscrita Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
Mirror Mirror Jan Krawitz
Motherland Juan Downey
My Father's Dead Raphael Montanez Ortiz
Natives Jesse Lerner, Scott Sterling
Newreel Raphael Montanez Ortiz
Nitrate Kisses Barbara Hammer
No Detour Harry Gamoa Jr.
Note to a Stranger Meena Nanji
Nuestro Voz De Tierra Memoria Y futuro (Our Voice of Earth Memory and Future) Marta Rodriguez, Jorge Silva
Once Upon a Time in the Bronx Ela Troyano
Out in the Garden Vincent Grenier
Palenque Raquel Bozzi
Passin' it On John Valadez
Piano Destruction Concert Raphael Montanez Ortiz
Por Primera Vez (For the First time) Octavio Cortazar
Production Stills Morgan Fisher
Pull Your Head to the Moon: Stories of Creole Women Ayoka Chenzira
Ramona: Birth of a mis*ce*ge*NATlON David Avalos, William Franco, Deborah Small, Miki Seifert
Red Shovel Leighton Pierce
Rewe Juan Downey
River Bottom Robert Diaz LeRoy
S'Alines's Solution Aline Mare
Sanctus Barbara Hammer
Secuestro: The Story of a Kidnapping Camilia Motto
Seven Songs for Malcolm X John Akomfrah
Slipping Between Sandra P. Hahn
Standard Gauge Morgan Fisher
Vaporz Harry Gamoa Jr.
Voices of the Morning Meena Nanji
Wanda Ruth Hayes
What Happened E. King, R. Blair
Who Needs A Heart John Akomfrah
X 1/2: The Legacy of Malcom X Not Channel Zero
You Vincent Grenier
You(r) Sex and Other Stuff Katherine Hurbis-Cherrier, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
Amusement Park John Porter
Angel Baby John Porter
Anima Mundi Godfrey Reggio
Animal in Motion John Porter
Barroco Paul LeDuc
Beautyful Ones, The Jeff Wray
Becky's Eye Willie Varela
Bottom Land Ed Radtke
Brother's Keeper Joe Berlinger, Bruce Sinofsky
Ballets for Breakfast Holly Fisher
Calender Girl John Porter
Chronicle of a Lying Spirit Cauleen Smith
Cinefage John Porter
Cow Tipping: The Militant Indian Waiter Randy Redroad
Down on Me John Porter
Drive By Shoot Portia Cobb
Eadweard Muybridge: Motion Studies Jim Sheldon
Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, The
Kazuo Hara
Eternal Jew, The Ministry of Propaganda of the Third Reich Exams John Porter
Extreme Private Eros: Love Song Kazuo Hara
Fear of Disclosure Phil Zwickler, David Wojnarowicz
Finding Christa Camille Billops, James Hatch
Firefly John Porter
Flaming Creatures Jack Smith
From the Shadows of Power Jean Donohue
Fuhrer Gives a City to the Jews, The Ministry of Propaganda of the Third Reich
George Kuchar Willie Varela
Identities Nino Rodriguez
Imagining lndians Victor Masayesva
In Progress Willie Varela
It Wasn't Love Sadie Benning
James Broughton Willie Varela
Janine Cheryl Dunye
Jollies Sadie Benning
Juntos en Las Vida Unidos en las Muerte Willie Varela
Lost, Lost, Lost Jonas Mekas
Lost Man, A Willie Varela
Martha's Balloon Ride John Porte
Mother and Child John Porter
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
No Justice, No Peace Portia Cobb
Non, Je ne Regrette Rien (No Regrets) Marlon Riggs
Park Film Chris Welsby
Piece Touche Martin Arnold
Pleading Art John Porter
Points of Departure for a Diaspora Dawta! Portia Cobb
Rescuerdos de Flores Muertas Willie Varela
Santa Claus Parade John Porter
Scanning John Porter
Sea Pictures Chris Welsby
Secret of the Lost Tunnel, The John Porter
Sesame Street Shorts Edith Zornow
Seven Days Chris Welsby
She Don't Fade Cheryl Dunye
Shoot-out With Rebecca John Porter
Species in Danger Ed Portia Cobb
Starting Fire With Gunpowdder David Poisey, William Hansen
Story of Vinh Keiko Tsuno
Stream Line Chris Welsby
Swinging John Porter
Tartan Tatoo John Porter
Two Wrenching Departures Ken Jacobs
Windvane Chris Welsby
Affengeil Rosa von Praunheim
Alexandria Why? Youssef Chahine
Body Beautiful, The Ngozi Onwurah
Brazilian Shorts Joao Luis Vieira
By Any Means Necessary Paul Garrin
Camera Arabc: Twenty Years of Arab CinemaFerid Booughedir
Canticle of Stones Michel Khleifi
Desperate Rico Martinez
Door to the Sky, A Farida Ben Lyazid
Fade to Black Don Trammel, Tony Cokes
Fertile Memory, The Michel Khleifi
Halfaouine (Child of the Terraces) Ferid Boughedir
Hip Hop SP (Hip Hop Sao Paulo) Francisco Cesar Filho
History and Memory Rea Tajiri
I Need Your Full Cooperation Kathryn High
Ilha Das Flores (Island of Florweres) Jorge Furtado
Interpretation of Dreams Andrei Zagdansky
Introduction to the End of an Argument Elia Suleiman, Jayce Salloum
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Making of 'Monsters', The John Greyson
Measures of Distance Mona Hatoum
Memoria (Memory) Roberto Henkin
Moleque De Rua O Nobre Facto (Street Kid/The Noble Pact) Marcio Ferrari
Mysteries of July Reese Auguiste
O Inventor (The Inventor) Mirella Martinelli
Omar Gatlato Merzak Allouache
Once Upon A Time in the Bronx Ela Troyano
Permissable Dreams Attiar EI-Abnoudi
Plastic Jesus Lazar Stojanovic
Rap City Rhapsody Akili Buchanan
Rota ABC (Suburban Route) Francisco Cesar Filho
Sight Unseen: A Travelogue Jonathon Robinson
Some Divine Wind Roddy Bogawa
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One William Greaves
Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under AmericaCraig Baldwin
Un Chien Delicieux Ken Feingold
Urinal John Greyson
Vivera Vida Tata Amaral
Work in Progress Luis Valdovino
-Riga Seminar, Latvia Adonis XIV Babo Sadikov
Artist Selivanov Irina Kalinina, Mikhail Litviakov
Blues Accordin' to Lightnin' Hopkins Les Blank
Central Manor, Robert Thurber
Clotheslines Roberta Cantow
Cogito, Ergo, Sum R. & H. Lintrop
Drop of Kalmyk Blood, AMarina Ivanova
Drums of Winter, The Sarah Elder
Egiptian Vladislav Tarik
Euthanasia Igor Bezrukov
Eyes on the Prize II: The Time Has Come Davis Lacy
Fable Safe Erik Barnonw
Four More Years TV TV
Futility Greta Snyder
Great Illusion, The Henrikas Sabliavucus
Hiroshima-Nagasaki-1945 Erik Barnouw
Hostages Vadim Grunin
How the Myth Was Made George Stoney
In Captivity of One's Youth Aron Kanevsky
Interpretation of Dreams Andrei Zagdansky
It Was Not Me Victor Dashuk
Knowing Her Place Indu Krishnan
Letter to Parliament V. Kuik
Losev Victor Kosakovsky
Maria Alexander Sokurov
Meeting Father Alexander Rodniansky
Meta Mayan Edin Velez
Mravalzhamier Leo Bakradze
New Time, The Georgy Negashev
Nicaragua: Report From the Front Pamela Yates
No Place to Hide Tom Johnson
One With the Song, The Vladislav Tarik
Roger and Me Michael Moore
Seasons Artavzad Peleshyan
Sherman's March Ross McElwee
Simple Elegy Alexander Sokurov
Soviet Street, The Marina Ivanova
Space of Love Aron Kanevsky
St. John's Day Andres Soot
Stalin With Us Tofik Shakhverdiev
Teacher, Teacher, Robert Thurber
Temptation of Nikolay Leniviov Evgeny Golimkin
That's Life Tolib Khamidov
Thin Blue Line, The Erroll Morris
This Is Not Mine Henrikas Sabliavicus
Ties That Bind, The Su Friedrich
Tongues Untied Marlon Riggs
Trace of Well-Wishing, The Ruben Gevorkianc
Truck-Driver's Ballad Valery Solomin
Us Artavazd Peleshyan
War Has No Female Face, The Victor Dashuk
Who Killed Vincent Chin? Christine Choy
Who of Us is Shaya Alexander Rodniansky
Will, The Samary Zelikin
Writing in Water Steve Roszell
You Cannot Live Like This Stanislav Govoruhin
100 Children Waiting for a Train Ignacio Aguero
After the Hunger and the Drought Olley Maruma
Ashes of Doom Grant Munro
Augusta Does Her Kneading Csaba Varga
Augusta Feeds Her Child Csaba Varga
Baldwin's Nigger Horace Ove
Bethune Donald Brittain
Biko: Breaking the Silence Edwina Spicer, Olley Maruma
Broken Down Film Osamu Tezuka
Crossroad Street, The Ivars Seleckis
Daughters of the Dust (work-in-progress) Julie Dash Dreamkeeper Phillip Mallory Jones
Elephant Boy Alexander Korda, Robert Flaherty
Emergence Pratibha Parmar
Eyes on the Prize II/Show #203 (work-in-progress) Louis Massiah, Terry Rockefeller
Eyes on the Prize II/Show #204 (work-in-progress) Jackie Shearer, Paul Stekle
Finzan Cheick Omar Sissoko
Footprints Philip Mallory Jones
From Here From This Side Gloria Ribe
Hi Life (part l of 3) Julie Dash
In the Street Helen Leavitt, Janice Loeb & James Agee
Is It Easy to be Young? Uris Podnieks
Jumping Osamu Tezuka
Kin Folk Henry Hampton
Krik? Krak! Tales of a Nightmare Jac Avila, Vanyeshka Gee
La Ofrenda: Days of the Dead Lourdes Portillo, Susan Munoz
Lien de Parente Willy Rameau
Mapantsula Oliver Schmitz
Mississippi Burning: Who Put Out the Fire? (work-in-progress) Doug Harris
Mississippi Freedom Summer (Eyes on the Prize I) Orlando Bagwell
Naitou Mouse Diakite
Omega Rising D. Elmina Davis
One Hand Don't Clap Kavery Dutta
Ori Raquel Gerber
Ouaga: African Cinema Now Kwate Nee-Owo
Owl Who Married a Goose, The Caroline Leaf
Passion for Justice (work-in-progress) William Greaves
Rain Joris Ivens
Reggae Horace Ove
Sari Red Pratibha Parmar
Sermons and Sacred Pictures Lynne Sachs
Speaking in Tongue Doug Harris
Street, The Caroline Leaf
Surname Viet Given Name Nam Trinh T. Min-Ha
Tailor, The V. Mirzoyan
Tango Zbignew Rybczynski
Testament John Akomfrah
To Manilaid with Love Mark Soosar
Truck Drivers' Ballad Valery Solomin
Une Nuit sur le Mont Chanve (Night on Bald Mountain) Alexandre Alexcieff, Claire Parker
Unknown Soldiers (work-in-progress) Veronika Soul
Untitled (Journal/diary work-in-progress) A. J.Rogobodiyan
Whose Bread is Tastier? Valery Solomin
Zajota and the Boogie Spirit Ayoka Chenzira
Zan Boko Gaston Kabore
Academy Leader Variations David Erlich
Babel Peter Rose
Beirut: The Last Home Movie Jennifer Fox
Bless Their Little Hearts Billy Woodberry
Candyjam Joanna Priestley, Joan Gratz
Cannibal Tours Dennis O'Rourke
Digital Speech Peter Rose
Dreaming Rivers Sankofa Film Collective
Family Gathering Lise Yasui
Geronima Raul Torres
Girl Talk Kate Davis
Half Life Dennis O'Rourke
Heat and Sunlight Rob Nilsson
Inside Life Outside Sachiko Hamada, Scott Sinkler
Laughing Alligator, The Juan Downey
Lightning Over Braddock Tony Buba
Man Who Could Not See Far Enough, The Peter Rose
Meaning of the Interval, The Edin Velez
Motherland Juan Downey
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Not a Jealous Bone Cecilia Condit
Nukie's Lullaby Jonathan Amitay
Nukie's Sermon Jonathan Amitay
Oh Dad! Jonathan Amitay
Older Women and Love Camille Billops, James Hatch
Out of the Mouths of Babes Sherry Milner
Partition Ken McMullen
Passion of Remembrance, The Sankofa Film Collective
Pleasures of the Text, The Peter Rose
Schody (Steps) Zbigniew Rybzinski
Still Stories: Breaking and Entering - Watching - Hiding Margot Starr Kernan
Talking to the Enemy Mira Hamermesh
There Was an Unseen Cloud Moving Leslie Thornton
This Is Our Home...lt Is Not For Sale Jon Schwartz
Three Men on a Raft/lt's All True Orson Welles
Way to My Father's Village, The Richard Fung
Weirded Out and Blown Away Sharon Greytak
Writing in Water Stephen Roszell
Yap...How Did You Know We'd Like T.V.? Dennis O'Rourke
Zina Ken MuMullen
A Golpes De Corazon (Blows of the Heart) SSTV
Africans, The (Part 9) Charles Hobson, Producer
ADS Epidemic, The John Greyson
Animal Migrations Peer Bode
Bandung File: Haiti the Unfinished RevolutionDarcus Howe (producer)
Beginning Pieces Alfred Guzzetti
Bombing of Osage Avenue, The Louis Massiah
Buzz Box David Daniels
Chuck Solomon Coming of Age Marc Heustis
Consuming Hunger (Parts 1 & 2 of 3) Ilan Ziv
Contemplation Philip Mallory Jones
Cycle Robert Ascher
Da Silva, Da Silva Darcus Howe
Damned if You Don't Su Friedrich
De Peliculas Pennee Bender, DeeDee Halleck & Robert Summers
Don't Start Me to Talking Stevenson Palfi
Everywhere at Once Alan Berliner
Family Album Alan Berliner
Festival Robert Ascher
Film for Lucibert, A Johan Van Der Keuken
Filmmaker's Holiday Johan Van Der Keuken
Fluke Emily Breer
From the Pole to the Equator Yervant Gianikian, Angela Riccilucchi
Ghosts and Demons Philip Mallory Jones
Handsworth Songs John Akomfrah
Hermann Slobbe Johan Van Der Keuken
How the Myth Was Made (Segment) George Stoney
I'll Vote On Pamela Yates
Journey, The (1 - 19) Peter Watkins
Kipling Trilogy, The John Greyson
Looking for Love-Teenage Parents Tami Gold
Maggie and the Men of Minnesota Deanna Kamiel
Mickey's Diner Deanna Kamiel
Miske-En Linda Karpell
Moana Robert Flaherty
Moscow Does Not Believe in Queers John Greyson
Open the Box: Part of the Furniture Michael Jackson
Prescription for Change Tami Gold
Reading Lesson Johan Van Der Keuken
Right to Reply, The Darcus Howe
Spiral Emily Breer
Street of Crocodiles Quay Brothers
Tabu F. W. Murnau, Robert Flaherty
Taken for a Ride Darcus Howe
Ties That Bind, The Su Friedrich
Time Johan Van Der Keuken
Way South, The Johan Van Der Keuken
We're Not Gonna Take It Pamela Yates
What Can I Do with a Male Nude? Ron Peck
White Castle, The Johan Van Der Keuken
Who Are the Contras? Pamela Yates, Peter Kinoy
With These Hands Chris Sheppard, Claude Sauvageot
30 Second Spot, New York Joan Logue
30 Second Spot, Paris Joan Logue
Aids Show, The Peter Adair, Robert Epstein
All American High Keva Rosenfeld
And One And One And One, Change of AddressHelen DeMichiel And She Was Jim Blashfield
Braddock Food Bank Tony Buba
Broken Down Film Osamu Tezuka
Central America Comes to Middle AmericaMartha Wallner Change of Address Helen DeMichiel
City, The Ralph Steiner, Willard Van Dyke
Drive in Blues Jan Krawitz
Eyes on the Prize Henry Hampton
Forest of Bliss Robert Gardner
Hermeto, the Champ Tony Farkas
Indian Cabaret Mira Nair
International Sweethearts of Rhythm Andrea Weiss, Greta Schiller
Itam Hakim Hopiit Victor Maseyesva
Jumping Osamu Tezuka
Kukurantumi: The Road to Accra King Ampaw
Latin American TV Karen Ranucci
Made in China Lisa Hsia
Memories of an Everyday War Gaston Ancelovici, Jaime Barrios
Mosaic for the Kali Yuga, A Dan Reeves
Naked Spaces Trinh T. Minh Ha
Nicaragua: Hear Say/Say
Here Jeffrey Skoller
Orientations Richard Fung
Philippines, The Jon Alpert
Portraits: New England Fisherman Joan Logue
Rate It X Lucy Winer, Paula de Koenigsberg
Routine Pleasures Jean-Pierre Gorin
Shadow of the Earth Tajeb Louichi
Shadow Over the Future Wolfgang Bergman
Sherman's March Ross McElwee
Somos + Jaime Barrios
Songs of Wool: Verna Tipton Cathey Edwards
Suspicious Circumstances Jim Blashfield
Terra Degli Dea Madre Marina Abramovic
To Taste a Hundred Herbs Carma Hinton, Richard Gordon
Tom Goes to the Bar Dean Parisot
Troubled Waters John Hanson
Twenty Years Later Eduardo Coutinho
Valley Town Willard Van Dyke
Voices Joanna Priestley
Weave of Time Susan Fanshel
Winnie and Nelson Mandela Peter Davis
Zea Andre Leduc, Jean-Jaques Leduc
1918 Kenneth Harrison
Acceptable Levels John Davies
Amish: Not to be Modern, The Victoria Larimore
Cigarette Blues Les Blank
Deadhead David Schwartz
Democracy on Trial: The Morgentaler Affair Paul Cowan
Dernier Glacier, Le Jacques Leduc
Fish Market John Hiller
Freckled Rice Stephen Ning
Growing Up With Rockets Nancy Yasecko
Homeless, The Caron Shapiro
In The Footsteps of Taytacha Harriet Gordon, Peter Getzels Joint Custody: A New Kind of Family Josephine Dean
Killing Floor, The Bill Duke
Let Ye Inherit Imre Gyongyossy, Barna Kabay et al
Living at Risk: The Story of a Nicaraguan FamilyAlfred Guzzetti, Richard Rodgers & Susan Meiselas
Los Sures Diego Echevarria
Maids and Madams Mira Hamermesh
Making Overtures Larry Weinstein
Mexcican Tapes: A Chronicle of Life Outside the Law, The Louis Hock
Ned Wethered Lee Whitmore
On the Border: An American Journey Jack Levine, Lisa Maya Knauer
Passionless Moments Jane Campion
Paul Cadmus: Enfant Terrible at 80 David Sutherland
Photo Album Enrique Oliver
Private Practices Kirby Dick
Race Against Prime Time, The David Schulman
Quite Ordinary Life, AImre Gyongyossy, Barna Kabay
Reuben Nakian: Apprentice to the Gods Alison Rose Abelson Revolt of Job, The Imre Gyongyossy, Barna Kabay
Sewing Woman Arthur Dong
Store Next Door, The Alison Rose Abelson
Vacant Lot Ken Selden
We Were So Beloved Manfred Kirchheimer
When the Mountains Tremble Pamela Yates, Tom Sigel & Peter Kinoy
Wildrose John Hanson
Witness to War: An American Doctor in EI Salvador Deborah Shaffer, David Goodman
America is Waiting Bruce Conner
Amida Dan Reeves
Animation from Cape Dorset (Excerpt) Salomonie J. Pootoogook
Belief Sandwich, Relief Gauntlet Bill Stephens
Cosmic Ray Bruce Conner
Crossroads Bruce Conner
Death and the Singing Telegram Mark Rance
Dog Gone Modern Chuck Jones
Door Stan Brakhage
Ellis Island Meredith Monk, Bob Rosen
Enchanted Drawing, The J. Stuart Blackton
Faces Paul Bochner, Derek Lamb
FLA.ME. Ted Lyman
Free Show Tonight Paul Wagner, Steven J. Zeitlin
Gotta Make This Journey: Sweet Honey in the Rock Joseph Camp, Michelle Parkerson
Hair Piece: A Film for Nappy Headed PeopleAyoka Chenzira
Haiti Footage - Outtakes Maya Deren
Home Movie Robert M. Fresco
Hookers...On Davie Janis Cole, Holly Dale
Hundred Years War Personal Notes Part II, TheIlan Ziv
Hunter, The Reine Ramaat
Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (L'Hypotese Du Tableau Vole) Raul Ruiz
Incomplete Portrait Ewa Bibanska
Kwadrat (Square) Zbigniew Rybczynski
L'Photographie Gerald Frydman
Looking for Clues Gayle Kaseguma
Looking For Mushrooms BruceConner
Louise Smells a Rat Anne Flournoy
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Maria Sabina: Muker Espiritu Nicolas Echevarria
Media Zbigniew Rybczynski
Mein Fenster Zbigniew Rybczynski
Miraj Molly Burgess
Moana Robert Flaherty
Mongoloid Bruce Conner
Movie, A Bruce Conner
My Black Momma, My White Mom Mary Gail Walker
My Window Zbigniew Rybczynski
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Nino Fidencio: The Espinazo Healer (El Nino Fidencio: El Taumaturgo de Espinzao) Nicolas Echevarria
Nowa Ksiazk (New Book) Zbigniew Rybczynski
Of Great Events and Ordinary People (De Grand Evenements et des Den Ordinaires) Raul Ruiz
Oj,Nie Moge Sie Zatryzmac Zbigniew Rybczynski
Out of the Ashes Alan Rosenthal
Perfect Leader, The Max Almy
Permian Strata Bruce Conner
Piano Players Rarely Ever Play TogetherStevenson J. Palfi
Pipe Dream, A Billy Bitzer
Plamuz (Music Art) Zbigniew Rybczynski
Possibly in Michigan Cecelia Condit
Prosperity Blues Ben Harrison
Relief Gauntlet Bill Stephens
Report Bruce Conner
Ritual in Transfgared Time Maya Deren
River, The Katia Georgy
Schody (Steps) Zbigniew Rybzinski
Schody (Steps) Stefan Schabenbeck
Sculptor's Nightmare, The Billy Bitzer
SL - 1 Diane Orr, C. Larry Roberts
Slides of Photographs Heidi Larson
Soul Stirrers, The (work-in-progress) Bruce Conner
Stone Carvers, The Paul Wagner, Marjorie Hunt & John Hiller
Study in Choreography for Camera Maya Deren
Sunstone Ed Emshwiller
Swieto Zbigniew Rybczynski
Take Five Zbigniew Rybczyuski
Take It Easy Tamas Baksa
Take the 5:10 to Dreamland Bruce Conner
Tango Zbigniew Rybczyoski
Ten Second Film Bruce Conner
Terrible Turkish Executioner, The George Melies
Trailer For Things to Come
Valse Triste Bruce Conner
Weg Zum Nachbarn (Way to the Neighbors)Zbigniew Rybczynski
White Rose, The Bruce Conner
Windows Peter Greenaway
World of Tomorrow, The Tom Johnson, Lance Bird
Zea Andre Leduc, Jean Jacques Leduc
Zupa (Soup) Zbigniew Rybczynski
Ancient of Days Bill Viola
Aqui Se Lo Halla Lee Sokol
Be An Artist William Farley
Born to Film Danny Lyon
Children of Violence (work in progress) Bill Jersey, Jim Belson
Chott El-Djerid (A Portrait in Light & Heat) Bill Viola
Citizen William Farley
Coming of Age Josh Hanig, Dennis Hicks
Dialogue With a Woman Departed Leo Hurwitz
Far From Poland (work in progress) Jill Godmilow
First International Whistling Show & Juggling Skip Blumberg, Jules Bakus
Guerre Et Revolution (War and Revolation) Chris Marker
Hatsu Yume (First Dream) Bill Viola
Herb Schiller #3 (Paper Tiger Sampler) Dee Dee Halleck
Jglng Skip Blumberg
Letters to Dad Beth B, Scott B
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Marthain: The lrish Film William Farley
Memories of Over-Development (work in progress) Kidlat Tahimik
Nestra King Reads Seventeen (Paper Tiger Sampler) Dee Dee Halleck
Perfumed Nightmare, The Kidlat Tahimik
Pick Up Your Feet: The Double Dutch Show Skip Blumberg
Reassemblage: From Firelight to the Screen Trinh Minh-Ha
Revolution, The Martha Haslanger
Rubber Stamp Film, The Joanna Priestley
Sea Space William Farley
Seeing Red: Portraits of American Communists(work in progress) Julia Reichert, James Klein
Seventeen Joel DeMott, Jeff Kreines
Sifted Evidence Patricia Gruben
Silent Life Bill Viola
Trains of Thought Lorne Marin
Turumba Kidlat Tahimik
Vegetable Memory Bill Viola
Warm Bread Kim Singhrs
What You Take for Granted Michelle Citron
When I was a Worker Just Like Laverne Skip Blumberg, Jane Aaron
Who Invented the Yoyo Who Invented the Moon Buggy Kidlat Tahimik
A-B Kijowicz Kijowicz
Against the Wind and Tide: A Cuban Odyssey Jim Burroughs, Suzanne Bauman, Paul Neshamkin
All My Babies George Stoney
Amarillo News Tapes, The Doug Hall, Chip Lord & Judy Proctor
An Acquired Taste Ralph Arlyck
Anti-Nuclear Spots Dan Reeves
Atomic Cafe, The Kevin Rafferty, Jayne Loader
Ballet Classes Jack Churchill
Blood and Sand: The War in the Sahara Sharon Sopher, Peter Kinnoy
Bride of the Andes Susumi Hani, Sachiko Hidari
Button Button: A Dream of Nuclear War Frank Cantor, Juan Mandelbaum
Carl Sandburg - Echoes and Silences Perry Miller
Choose Life
Clockwork Eric Breitbart
Clotheslines Roberta Cantow
Fable Safe Erik Barnonw, Sumner Glimcher & Robert Osborn
Far Road, The Sachiko Hidari
Hiroshima-Nagasaki, August 1945 Erik Barnouw, Paul Ronder & Barbara Van Dyke
Hollywood Trailer Collage
Insect Woman Shohei Imamura, Sachiko Hidari
Last Dance, The (El Ultimo Baille) Regge Life
Let Poland be Poland Marty Pasetta
Maya Angelou David Grubin
Meta Mayan Edin Velez
Miles of Smiles Jack Santino, Paul Wagner
My God What Have We Done Roelof Kiers
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
No Place to Hide Tom Johnson, Lance Bird
Not a Love Story Bonnie Sherr Klein
Open Line Aleksandar Zivanovich, Mehdi Shayvard
Project Puffin Carol Lee Taylor, Susan Oristaglio
Reborn Susan Farkas
See What I Say Linda Chapman, Pam LeBlanc & Freddi Stevens
Selected Tapes by Deanna Kamiel Deanna Kamiel
She and He Susumu Hani, Sachiko Hidari
Six O'Clock and All's Well Robert Spencer
Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up At the Tenth Street Car Wash Kenneth Robbins, Tom Adair
Smothering Dreams Dan Reeves
Southern Voices (work in progress) George Stoney
Still Life Mark Romanek
Tango Zbigniew Rybczynski
Ted Barylak's Grocery John Paskievich, Michael Mirus
Under the Flag of the Rising Sun Kinji Fukasaku, Sachiko Hidari
Weavers: Wasn't That a Time?, The Jim Brown
Working Through Changes Pat Cooper
1988-The Remake Richard Schmidt
America is Waiting Bruce Conner
Between Rock and A Hard Place Ken Fink
Can't it be Anyone Else? Bill Couturie, John Korty
Citizen Carney David Nugent, Walter Thomas
Conversations With Willard Van Dyke Amalie R. Rothschild
Day After Trinity: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb, The Jon Else
Diaries Ed Pincus
Dionne Quintaplets Donald Brittain
Eight Minutes to Midnight Mary Benjamin
Fable Safe Erik Barnouw, Sumner Glimcher & Robert Osborn
Fiddlers of James Bay National Film Board of Canada
Free Ride Bill Delaney
From Mao to Mozart Murray Lerner
Hiroshima-Nagasaki-August l945 Erik Barnonw, Paul Ronder & Barbara Van Dyke
Instant Welcome Film Sherman George, UCSD Film Crew
Lady Named Baybie Martha Sandlin
Let There Be Light John Huston
Many a Vanished Scene Compiled and annoted by David Shepherd
Memorandum Donald Brittain, John Kemeny, John Spotton
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Necrology Standish D. Lawder
Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed Donald Brittain
Pastorale Otar Yoselianni
Possum Living Nancy Schreiber
Public Enemy Number One David Bradbury
Shepherds of Berneray, The Allen Moore, Jack Shea
Small is Beautiful Donald Brittain
Southern California Louis Hock
Stations of the Elevated Manny Kirchheimer
Stoney Knows How Bruce Lane
Street Music Nick Doob
Virgil Thomson: Composer John Huszar
Volcano: An Inquiry Into The Death of Malcolm Lowrey Donald Brittain
We Are All One People Gabor Kalman
Werner Herzog in Peru (Excerpts from work-in-progress) Les Blank
Willmar 8, The Lee Grant
Alambrista! Robert M. Young
America Lost and Found Tom Johnson, Lance Bird
Angel Derek May
Armageddon Crowd Scene Take One Ernie Fosselius, Andy Aaron
At The Movies Carl Surges
Breaking and Entering Ann Schaetzel
Close Up Warren Bass
Comme Ci C'Etait Hier (As If It Were Yesterday)
Ester Hoffenberg, Myriam Abramowicz
Cortile Cascino Michael Roemer, Robert Young
Crisis: Behind A Presidential Decision Drew Associates
D.O.A. Lech Kowalski, Val Kuklowsky
Dance Frame Doris Chase
Dear Friends Dana Hodgdon
Dr. Norman Bethune Chang Dhun-Hsiang
Drew Compilation Reel Robert Drew, Anne Drew
Emergence of Eunice Emily Hubley
Every Child Eugene Federenko, Derek Lamb
Faces of November Drew Associates
Gal Young Un Victor Nunez
Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers Les Blank
Heartland Richard Pierce
Hush Hoggies Hush: Tom Johnson's Praying Pigs Bill Ferris, Judy Peiser
Impasse Caroline Mouris, Frank Mouris
Interview Veronika Soul, Caroline Leaf
Jazz Dance Doris Chase
L'Age D'Or Luis Bunuel
La La, Making It In L.A. Caroline Mouris, Frank Mouris
Legacy Karen Arthur
Lotte Eisner in Germany Mark Horowitz
Memories of Duke Gary Keys
Mother Tongue Derek May
N!A! John Marshall, Michael Ambrosino
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Once a Daughter Lynne Littman
Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist Saul J. Turrell
Poto and Cabengo Jean-Pierre Gorin
Prepared Text, A Dana Hodgdon
Primary Robert Drew, Richard Leacock
Scenes from Childhood Alfred Guzzetti
Scream From Silence (Mourir A Tue-Tete), AAnne Clair Poirier
Shah of Iran Walter Ellaby
Solzleinitsyn's Children... Are Making Alot of Noise in Paris Michael Rubbo
Sushi: The Art You Can Eat Robert Mikuryia
Temp Morts Claude Godard
Traveling in the Arctic Sakeri Palsi
Trials of Alger Hiss, The John Lowenthal
Truthfully Speaking Dana Hodgdon
Two Space Larry Cuba
War At Home, The Barry Alexander Brown, Glenn Silber
Zo-Oid Aaron Bass
A Valparaiso, Joris Ivens
Agee: A Film on the Life of Jarnes Agee, Ross Spears
Asparagus, Suzan Pitt
Behind the Scenes at the Peking Circus
Best Boy, Ira Wohl Black Dawn, Robin Lloyd, Doreen Kraft
Bridge, Willard Van Dyke, Ben Maddow
Bridge, The, Joris Ivens
Club, The, George Griffin
Cost of Living, Richard P. Rogers
Cubits, AL Jarnow
Czechoslovakia, Denis Sanders
Dogs, The, Aviva Slesin
Domador, El, Joaquin Cortes
Entelequia, Juan Salazar
Fishing Village
Footage, Dave Geary
Football Incident--High School 31
Frances Flaherty: Hidden and Seeking, Peter Werner
Generator Factory
George Segal, Michael Blackwood
How the Myth Was Made, George Stoney, James Brown
How Yukong Moved the Mountain: Behind the Scenes, Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan
How Yukong Moved the Mountain: The Fishing Village, Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan
How Yukong Moved the Mountain: The Football lncident, Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan
How Yukong Moved the Mountain: The Generator Factory, Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan
Jewish Anarchists, The (in progress), Joel Sucher, Steve Fischler
Killer of Sheep, Charles Burnett
Land, The, Robert Flaherty
Libertarians, The, Lauro Escorel
Lineage, George Griffin
Lives of Firecrackers, The, Sandy Moore
LMNO, Robert Breer
Louisiana Story, Robert Flaherty
Louisiana Story Study Film, Nikos Cominos, Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran, Robert Flaherty
Man of Leather, Paulo Gil Soares
Moana, Robert Flaherty
Murita Cycles, Barry Braverman
My Survival As An Aboriginal, Essie Coffey
Nanook of the North, Robert Flaherty
New Earth, Joris Ivens
New Klan/Heritage of Hate, Eleanor Bingham, Leslie Shatz Northern Lights, J. Hanson, R. Nilsson
Notes For Jerome, Jonas Mekas
One Generation is Not Enough, Tony De Nonno
Paul Jacobs and the Nuclear Gang, Jack Willis, Saul Landau Railroad Turnbridge, Richard Serra
Rain (Regen), Joris Ivens, Mannus Franken
Recorded Live, S. S. Wilson
Roslyn Romance (Is It Really True?), Bruce Baille
Sea Travels, Anita Thatcher
Sheperd of the Night Flock, George Stoney, Jim Brown
Sky Blue Water Light Sign, J. J. Murphy
Spaceborne (1977), Philip Dauber, Tom Valens & Doug McKechnie
Spanish Earth, Joris Ivens
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Paul Winkler
They Are Their Own Gifts, Lucille Rhodes, Margaret Murphy
Third Stone
Travel Log
Trikfilm 3, George Griffin
Viewmaster, George Griffin
33 Yo-Yo Tricks, Panther White
98.3 Khz Bridge at Electrical Storm, Al Razutis
Analogies, Peter Rose
Ceddo, Ousmane Sembene
Chronique D'Un Ete, Chronicle of a Summer,Jean Rouch, Edgar Morin
CIA Case Officer: Stockwell, The Saul Landau, Haskell Wexler
Claymation, Will Vinton
Cocorico! Monsieur Poulet, Jean Rouch
Cooperage, Phil Borsos
Culebra, La Raphael Corkidi, Bosco Arochi
Dialectic Definitions, Dana Hodgdon
Duane Michals, Ted Haimes, Murray Van Dyke
Far Road, The, Sachiko Hidari
Frame, Ken Kobland
Growing Up At Paradise, Sandy Wilson
He's Only Missing, Robin Smith
High Grass Circus, Torben Schioler
How the Myth Was Made, George Stoney, James Brown
In Battle With a South Vietnannese Marine Battalion, Junichi Ushiyama
In Spring (archive print), Mikhail Kaufman
Italian American, Martin Scorsese
Jaquar, Jean Rouch
Joe and Maxi, Maxi Cohen, Joel Gold
Kings of the Road, Wim Wenders
Lalai Dreamtime, Michael Edols
Maidens, Jeni Thornley
Man of Aran (archive print), Robert Flaherty
Man With a Movie Camera, Dziga Vertov
Mbira Geizantzinger, Les Blank
Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa, Carolyn Leaf
Movie Show, Daniel Fiebiger
Music of the Spheres, Jordan Belson
New Improved Institutional Quality in the Environment of Liquids and
Nasals a Parasitic Vowel Sometimes Develops,Owen Land
Pafnucio Santo, Raphael Corkidi
Pass/Fail, Roy Campanella, Doug Harris
Peter Murray, Herb DiGioia, David Hancock
Petit A Petit, Jean Rouch
Popovitch Brothers of South Chicago, The, Jill Godmilow
Rain (Regen), Joris Ivens, Mannus Franken
Rendezvous, Claude Lelouch
Rhesus Play, John Bishop, Donald Symons
Roger Corman: Hollywood's Wild Angel, Christian Blackwood
Rose's House, Clay Boris
Said Poem, A, Veronica Soul
Speeding?, Mitchell Block, Alec Hirschfeld
Tanka, David Lebrun
Tourou Et Bitti, Jean Rouch
Tras Os Montes, Antonio Reis, Margarida Cordeiro
Valse Triste, Bruce Conner
We're Not the Jet Set, Robert Duvall, Barbara Duvall
Whole Film,The, Dana Hodgdon
With Babies and Banners, Lorraine Gray
50 Years at a Cow's..., Lorrie Graham
Accident Martin Duckworth, Pat Crawley
Air, Paul Dreissen
Artesana Bordadora Sabina Sanchez,
(The Art of Embroidery), Judith Bronowski, Robert Grant
Authentic Interview, Roy Nolan
Bankiet (Banquet), Zofia Oraczewska
Bessie Smith: St. Louis Blues, Charles Levine, Dudley Murphy
Blue Moment, Elizabeth Louva
Bombay Movies (Asian Neighbors Series), Robert Kingsbury
Cafe Bar, Alison DeYere
Canaries to Clydesdalesh, Eugene Boyko
Candienses, Los, Albert Kish
Charles: Mort Ou Vif (Charles: Dead or Alive),Alain Tanner
City View in Old Kodachrome, Warren Bass
Company, D. A. Pennebaker
Deal, E. J. Vaughn, John Scott
Dialectic Discourse, Jim Benn, Dana Hodgdon
Dying, Michael Roemer
Elizabeth Swados: The Girl With the Incredible Feeling, Linda Feferman
Embassy American, W. D. Wills, H. O. Wills
Family Portrait Sitting, Alfred Guzzeti
Film, A, Steve Gluck
First Edition, Helen Whitney
Georgia O'Keeffe, Perry Miller Adato
Gravity, David Wechtner, Michael Nankin
Harlan County, U.S.A., Barbara Kopple
I & I, Ben Caldwell
Incest: The Victim Nobody Believes, J. Gary Mitchell, Richard Gebhart
It's Not a One Person Thing: It Everybody's Thing,Sally Heckel
Jolo Serpent Handlers, The, Karen Kramer
Jonas Qui Aura 25 Ans En L'an 2,000 (Jonas Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000), Alain Tanner
Kudzu, Marjie Short
Le Milieu du Monde (Middle of the World), Alain Tanner
Life and Death of 9413-A Hollywood Extra, Robert Florey
Linda & Franco: Racconte Di Mare (Squalo the Shark), Bruno Bozzetti
Lover's Wind (Bade Saba), Albert Lamprisse
Main Event, Frank Belmont
Marriage Guidance, Nicholas Broomfield, Joan Churchill
Mindscape, Jacques Drouin
My Friend Vince, David Rothberg
Nevelson in Process, Susan Fanshel, Jill Godmilow
Opium Warlords, The, Adrian Cowell
Part of Your Loving, Tony deNonno
Pictures of the 1930's: Some Paintings of the Period, Derek May
Puerto Rico: Paradise Invaded, Alfonso Beato
Questions (Asian Neighbors Series), Bob Kinsbury
Raft, The (Het Vlot a Balsa), George Sluizer
Retour D'Afrique (Return From Africa), Alain Tanner
Seven-thirty A. M., Bill Macgillivray
Shoutin' the Blues, Jack Agins
Sisyphus, Jancovios Mercell
Stations of the Elevated (in progress), Manny Kirchheimer
Styx, Jan Krawitz, Thomas Ott
Take the 5:10 to Dreamland, Bruce Conner
This is a Photograph, Albert Kish
Time Has No Sympathy, Kristine Samuelson
Toilette, Joan Freeman
Trapped, Gene S. Weiss
Uncle Josh Jumps, Thomas Edison
Union Maids, Julia Reichert, Jim Klein
Village Family (Asian Neighbors Series), Bob Kingsland
Viney (Asian Village Series), Debby Kingsland
Wedding in the Family, A, Debra Franco
A Place in Time, Charles Lane
And You Act Like One Too, Susan Seidelman
Art Effects, Tony Bannon
Art Park, Tony Bannon
Aura Corona, Dennis Pies
Ax Fight, The Napoleon Chagnon, Tim Asch
Belfast Reel, The, Kathleen Dowdey, Howard Gladstone
Bicycle, Chuck Hudina
Black Moon, Louis Malle
Black Star: Autobiography of a Close Friend (in progress), Tom Joslin
Boo Hoo, Grant Munro
California Reich, The, Walter F. Parkes, Keith F. Critchlow
Celebration, A, Eleanor Grand, David Grand
Chulas Fronteras, Les Blank
Cinema Sebastien, C. Schroeder
Community Spirit, Joaquim Assis
Crossroads, Bruce Conner
Daguerreotypes, Agnes Varda
Eat the Sun, Jim Cox, Steve DeJarnett
Elephants, Fragments of an Argument, Richard P. Rogers
Euphoria, Vincent Collins
Flesh Flows, Adam Beckett
For the First Time, Octavio Cortazar
G, Jonathan C. Hubert, H. Allyn Hunt
Grey Gardens, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Ellen Houde & Muffie Meyer
Hand Held Day, Gary Beydler
Harvest 3000 Years, Haile Gerima
Head, George Griffin
Humain, Trop Humain, Louis Malle
Ikarus, Chuck Hudina
Imprint, Jacques Cardon
Indira Ghandi: A Heritage of Power, Paul Saltzman
L'Age Door, George Griffin
L'Opera Mouffe, Agnes Varda
L'une Chante (in progress), Agnes Varda
Last Stand Farmer, Richard Brick
Lucia, Huberto Salas
Madsong, Kathleen Laughlin
Men of Bronze (in progress), Bill Miles, Dick Adams
Monday, Geraldo Sarno
Music and People of the Northeast, Tania Quaresma
My Mama and My Sister Too, Alonzo Crawford
Nanook of the North, Robert Flaherty
Never Give Up - Imogen Cunningham, Anne Hershey
Nobody Ever Died of Old Age, Herb Danska
Owl Who Married a Goose, The, Caroline Leaf
Phantom India (Parts 2, 3, and 4), Louis Malle
Pinter People, Gerald Patterson
Rebirth of a Palace, Michael Matcovitch, Jr.
Reponse de Femme, Agnes Varda
Road is Open Again, The, Alfred Green
Street, The, Caroline Leaf
Surveillance, Iris Cahn
Truckers For Christ, David Snazuk
Vive la Tour!, Louis Malle
Waves of Revolution, Anand Patwardhan
Way of the Eagle...!, The, Al Levin
West Virginia Cole Slaw, Eleanor Grand
Wit and World of George Bernard Shaw, The,Harry Rasky
Yin Hsien, Michael Whitney, Jr.
A Propos De Nice, Jean Vigo
Abandoned Children, The Danny Lyon
Birth (Without Violence), Frederick Leboyer Pierre-Marie Goulet
Blinkety Blank, Norman McLaren
Borom Sarret, Ousmane Sembene
Bridge High, Manfred Kirschheimer
Castro Street, Bruce Baillie
Companero, Stanley Foreman, Martin Smith
Coney, Frank Mouris
Dreams and Nightmares, Abe Osheroff, Larry Klingman
Earth, Alexander Dovzhenko
Ghosts Before Breakfast, Hans Richter
Grease, Chuck Hudina
Happiness, Alexander Medvedkin
Happy Mother's Day, Richard Leacock, Joyce Chopra
Hearts and Minds, Peter Davis, Bert Schneider
High Kukus, James Broughton
Highway, Hilary Harris
Homage to Magritte, Anita Thatcher
In the Street, Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, & James Agee
Industrial Britain, John Grierson, Robert Flaherty
Jane, Jon Rosen
Juvenile Liason, Joan Churchill, Nicholas Broomfield
Last Reflections on a War: Bernard Fall (1926-1967), Beryl Fox
Lemon, Hollis Frampton
Light, Jordan Belson
Lonely Boy, Wolf Koenig, Roman Kroitor
Lumiere Years, Jean Chapot
Martin Luther King: A Memorial, Beryl Fox
Men's Lives, Josh Hanig, Will Roberts
Metroliner, Victoria Hochberg
Mill of the Gods, Beryl Fox
Moana, 16mm B&W, Robert Flaherty
Moana, 16mm stretch print, Robert Flaherty
Moana, 35mm B & W, Robert Flaherty
Movie, A, Bruce Connor
Moving Picture Boys, David Shepard
Nine Variations on a Dance Theme, Hilary Harris
Nuer, The, Hilary Harris
Only the Beginning Newsreel
Organism, Hilary Harris
Paul Tomkowitz: Street Railway Switchman,Roman Kroitor
People's War Newsreel
Peter and Jane Flint, David Hancock, Herb DiGioia
Pirogue Maker, The, Arnold Eagle
Portrait of Asa, Jan Troell
Promised Lands, Susan Sontag
Quint City (ABC version), Richard Leacock, Joyce Chopra
Retour, Le, Henri Cartier-Bresson
Seifriz on Protoplasm, Jack Churchill
Seventy-Nine Springtimes for Ho Chi Minh,Santiago Alvarez
Shadow Catcher, Teri McLuhan
Single Parent, Hube Smith
Thirty-Five Years After, Polish People's Republic
Train Rolls On, The, Chris Marker
Trobriand Cricket, Jerry Leach, Gary Kildea
Twenty-Four Dollar lsland, Robert Flaherty
Waiting for Fidel, Mike Rubbo
Warrendale (Excerpts), A Film by Allen King Associates
Women From Telecommunications, (A film from North Vietnam)
A - B Nell Cox
A Touch of Churchill, A Touch of Hitler, The Life of Cecil Rhodes Afghan Village David Hancock, Herb Di Gioia
Afghan Women Nancy Dupree, Josephine Powell
America's Pop Collector: Scull Contemporary Art Auction E. J. Vaughn
Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman Judy Collins, Jill Godmilow
Apple Summer Holly Fisher
Ashes of Doom Grant Munro
Attica Cinda Firestone
Ballet Adagio Norman McLaren
Bethune Donald Brittain
Black Delta Religion Bill Ferris, Judy Peiser
Brand Names and Labelling Games Marshall Ephron
Canon Norman McLaren, Grant Munro
Cat Film for Katie & Cynnie Standish Lawder
Chemical Feast, A Jack Sameth, Marshall Ephron
Chester Grimes Herbert DiGioia, David Hancock
Chisholm: Pursuing the Dream Tom Werner
Christina's World Sonya Gilligan
Christo's Valley Curtain Albert Maysles, David Maysles,
Ellen Gifford
Contemporary Art at Auction
Cotton Rise John Preble
Cousin Jules, Le Domenique Benechiti
Creation of a Human Being Takashi Mukuo
Enjoy Yourself; It's Later Than You Think Tom Palazzolo, Jeff Kreines
Eugene Marion Siegel
Eurynome John Straiton
Evidence Alfred Guzzetti
Execution of Private Slovik Lamont Johnson
French Lunch Nell Cox
Gravel Springs, Fife and Drum Bill Ferris, Judy Peiser
Grierson Roger Blais
Hand That Rocks the Ballot Box Nell Cox He Comes From Another Room Edward Mason
I. F. Stone's Weekly Jerry Bruck
Inheritance Jack Ofield
Interim Danny Lyon
Last American Hero, The Lamont Johnson
Life of Cecil Rhodes, The Kenneth Griffith
Love It/Leave It Tom Palazzolo, Jeff Kreines
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Merc Mark Obenhaus
Methadone: An American Way of Dealing Jim Klein, Julia Reichert
Mr. Tri State Tom Palazzolo, Jeff Kreines
Mrs. Cop Joe De Cola
My Financial Career Grant Munro, Gerald Potterton
Naim & Jabar David Hancock, Herb Di Gioia
Nana, Mom and Me Amalie R. Rothschild
Neighbours Norman McLaren
Nixon's Checkers Speech CBS-TV News
No Lies Mitchell Block
Not So Young Now As Then Liane Brandon
Old Fashioned Woman Martha Coolidge
Operator Nell Cox
Public's Right to Know, The Kenneth Griffith
Ray Lum Mule Trader Bill Ferris, Judy Peiser
Rescue Mission Ron & Peggy Weiss
Ricky & Rocky Tom Palazzolo, Jeff Kreines
Rivers of Sand Robert Gardner
Roll Over Marian Hunter To Live in FreedomSimon Louvisch
Round Feeling, A Kathleen Laughlin
Tour En L'Air Grant Munro
Watergate T.V. Spot With Intent to Harm Scott Siegler, Steve Ujlaki
You See I've Had A Life Ben Levin
American Family, An Craig Gilbert
Approaching Mara Suzanne Rostock
Autostop Roberta Cantow
Best of Your Life, The Tony Gantz, Rhody Streeter
Billboard Painting Rhody Streeter
Buffalo Creek- Excerpts Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
Campamento Rev. Donald Casey
Campus Crusade Rhody Streeter
City, The (Excerpt) Ralph Steiner, Willard Van Dyke
Coal Miner: Frank Jackson Ben Zickafoose
Cockaboody John Hubley, Faith Hubley
Come on Children Allan King
Coming Home Bill Reid
Cove Haven Rhody Streeter
Diane Mary Feldhaus-Weber End of the DialogueNono Mohomo
Exploring Childhood Henry Felt, Marilyn Clayton
Film Portrait Jerome Hill
Frank Film Frank Mouris
Garbage (Composite) Students of Liane Brandon, North Quincy, MA High School
Glory! Glory! Ralph Steiner, Richard Peaslee
Gold Mary Feldhaus-Weber
Guests of the Planet Tom McDonough
Gum Students of Liane Brandon, North Quincy, MA High School
Help Line Rhody Streete
Hubert's Vicki Polon
In the Good Old Fashioned Way Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
Infinite Tenderness Pierre Jallaud
January World David Hancock, Herbert DiGioia
Joyce at 34 Joyce Chopra, Claudia Weill
Judge Wooten and Coon-on-a Log Herb E. Smith
Kibbutz Henry Felt, Marilyn Clayton
Kingdom Come School, The Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
KKK Composite Tape Reading Community Video Workshop
Last of the Cuiva, The Brian Moser
Let the Church Say Amen St. Clair Bourne
Light Ralph Steiner, Richard Peaslee
Living With Peter Miriam Weinstein
Look At Laundry, A Ralph Steiner, Richard Peaslee
Look Park Ralph Steiner, Richard Peaslee (Composer)
Luta Continua, A Robert Fletcher, Robert Van Lierop
Marlene Michael Hall
Maze, The Robert Young
Millstone Sewing Center, The Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
Missing Chapter: Collection of Documentary Films of the 1920s and 1930s, A Tom Brandon, presenter
Mother Marries a Man of Mellow Mien Abigail Child
Mountain Has No Seed, A Ted Carpenter
My Father the Doctor Miriam Weinstein
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'At the Winter Sea-lce Camp', Part I Asen Balikci, Quentin Brown
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'At the Winter Sea-lce Camp', Part II Asen Balikci, Quentin Brown
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'At the Winter Sea-lce Camp', Part III Asen Balikci, Quentin Brown
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'At the Winter Sea-lce Camp', Part IV Asen Balikci, Quentin Brown
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'Fishing at the Stone Weir' (Excerpt) Don Wellington
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'People of the Seal'
Netsilik Eskimo Project, 'Tulta and the Indoor Games'
No Vicki Polon
One Man's Island Ralph Steiner, Richard Peaslee (Composer) Place for No Story, The Phil Greene
Red Mary Feldhaus-Weber
Stalag 205 Students of Liane Brandon (G), North Quincy, MA High School
Struggle of Coon Branch Moantain, The Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
Sujet C'est Nous, Le Students of Liane Brandon (G), North Quincy, MA High School
Sylvia, Fran, and Joy Joan Churchill
Thaipusam Ronald Simons, Gunter Pfaff
Two Faces of the Sea Frank Cantor, Lowell Wentworth
Videospace Troupe Presentation Shirley Clarke, Bruce Ferguson and Andy Gurian
Videospace Troupe Workshops Shirley Clarke, Bruce Ferguson and Andy Gurian
Woodrow Cornett: Letcher County Butcher Bill Richardson, Mimi Pickering
Work in Progress - Excerpts Charles Lyman
back to top
Albert Ayler Jean-Michel Meurice
Alice Coltrane: A Love Supreme Stan Lathan
And We Still Survive Stan Lathan
Anything You Want To Be Liane Brandon
Art of the Potter David Outerbridge
Asylam Peter Robinson
Beauty Knows No Pain Elliott Erwitt
Betty Tells Her Story Liane Brandon
Black Beach John Bulmer
Bloque, El Jaime Barrios
Blue Movie David Rimmer
Blues Accordin' to Lightnin' Hopkins, The Les Blank
Broken Strings Clarence Muse
Chacal de Nahueltoro, El Miguel Littin
Chicago Conspiracy Trial Christopher Burstall
Chile Puts On Long Pants Al Levin
Dance, The David Rimmer
David: Off and On Martha Coolidge
Earthspirit House John Finne
End of Summer, The Yasujiro Ozu
Essene Frederick Wiseman Evening of Video Tapes George Stoney, Steve Morrison
Family Life Ken Loach, Tony Garnett
Fifty-First State - Vignettes Claudia Weill, Eli Noyez
Frances Flaherty: Hidden and Seeking Peter Werner
Game, The John Child, Abby Child
Girls, The Mai Zetterling
Greed Erich von Stroheim
Half My Life Barry Rosenthal
His Names Is Wonderful Jeff Kreines
Holy Ghost People Peter Adair
In Continuo Vlatko Gilic
Intermedia TV Commercial David Rimmer
It Happens to Us Amalie R. Rothschild
Izy Boukir Nancy Graves
Jammin' the Blues Gjon Mili
Kula: Argonauts of the Western Pacific Yasuko Ichioka
Little Red Hen Jeff Kreines
Livin' on the Mud Sean Melone, Robert Dupras
Macunaima Joaquin Pedro de Andrade
Marguerite Betty Chen
Marjoe Howard Smith, Sarah Kernochan
Nation of Common Sense St. Clair Bourne
One Day More Vlatko Gilic
Orange Karen Johnson
Presence, La Dominique Dubosc
Que Hacer! Saul Landau
Real ltalian Pizza David Rimmer
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania Jonas Mekas
Scar of Shame Oscar Michaux
Seashore David Rimmer
Seatrain Robert Sosenko
Sense of Loss Marcel Ophuls
Smiling Madame Beudet, The Germaine Dulac
Sorrow and the Pity, The Marcel Ophuls
Soul, Sounds and Money St. Clair Bourne
Spend lt All Les Blank
Square lnch Field David Rimmer
Statues Hardly Ever Smile Stan Lathan
Surfacing on the Thames David Rimmer
Tachi's Family Yasuko Ichioka
Tauw Sembene Ousmane
This Is the Home of Mrs. Levant Graham Claudia Weill, Eli Noyes
Twilight of the Mayans Stephen Hornick
Variations on a Cellophane Wrapper David Rimmer
Walking Ryan Larkin
War in Cairo Stan Lathan
West Coast David Rimmer
Art Is... Julian Krainin, De Witt Sage, Jr.
Bitter Melons John Marshall
Break (Freak?) Out Nick MacDonald
Center, The Amalie R. Rothschild
Changing Hubert Smith
Children's School, The Deborah Dickson Macagno
Cry of Jazz Edward Blanding
David Hilliard on "Face the Nation"
Dear Mom and Dad Barry Bialik
Derby Robert Kaylor
Death of a Legend, The Peter Werner
Different Sons Jack Ofield
Directed by John Ford Peter Bogdanovich
Dr. Spock and His Babies Herman J. Engel
Easter Island John Femo
Easter Island, Puzzle of the Pacific Arnold Eagle
Five Milton Meltzer, Alvin Yudkoff
Foreigners, The Skeets McGrew, Mark Harris
George Washington Bridge Gene Searchinger
Growing Up Female: As Six Become One Julia Reichert, Jim Klein
Hard Chargers, The Thomas P. Johnson
Hidden and Seeking Peter Werner
High Plain, The Jules Bucher
Housing Problems Arthur Elton, Edgar Anstey
Imaginero Jorge Preloran
Indian in the American Movie, The James Card
Ines Richard A. Coffey
Innocence Unprotected Dusan Makavejev
Interviews With Mylai Veterans Joseph Strick
Ira, You'll Get Into Trouble Steven Sbarge
KeepingThings Whole Walter Ungerer
Losey on Film John Fauer
Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing OperatorDusan Makavejav
Madalyn Bob Elkins
Maison de la Misere, Les Henri Storck
Millhouse: A White Comedy Emile de Antonio
Mosori Monika Chick Strand
Murder of Fred Hampton, The Mike Gray
Natural Habitat Ralph Arlyck
New Earth Joris lvens
Nine O One/Nine O Four John Marshall
Noa Binh Raoul Coutard
Once Upon a War Patricia Penn
One P.M. D. A. Pennebaker, Jean-Luc Godard
Plow That Broke the Plains, The Pare Lorentz
Professor Harvey Winston River, The Pare Lorentz
Sad Song of Yellow Skin Michael Rubbo
Santisimos Hermanos, Los Gabriela Samper
Seesaw Hossein Torabi
Selling of the Pentagon, The Peter Davis
Set-Up Nick Doob
Sort of a Commercial for an Ice Bag Michel Hugo
Southern Exposure Henri Cartier-Bresson
Stagolee: Interview With Bobby Seale Francisco Newman
Stanley Stanley Jonathan Kaplan
Summer Reverence Barry Gerson
Troubled Camperas Edward A. Mason
Turkish Victor Turin
Underground Film Paul Marshall
Voices of La Raza, The William Greaves
W. R.: Mysteries of the Organism Dusan Makavejev
Wanda Barbara Loden
Waning Summer Barry Gerson
Woman's Film, The Judy Smith, Louise Alaimo & Ellen Sorrin
Wonderful Construction, A Don Lenzer
A To B Nell Cox
Adult Education Commercial Appalachia Community Film Workshop
All My Life Bruce Baille
American Choice: 1968 Marc Karlin
Amerika Newsreel Arthur Penn: Themes, Variants, Images, and Words Robert Hughes
Artifcial Light Hollis Frampton
Ballad of Crowfoot, The National Film Board of Canada
Bambi Meets Godzilla Marvin Newland
Before the Mountain Was Moved Robert Sharpe
Biafra New York Community Film Workshop
Black Power Leonard M. Henny
Black Roots Lionel Rogosin
Catfilm for Ursula Standish Lawder
Chicano School Walk-Out California Community Film Workshop Chicken Soup Ken Schneider
Child's Alphabet with Casual References to DNA Replication in the Garden of Eden, A Warren Bass, Tom Spence
Christabel Peter McCallion
Coon on the Log Appalachia Community Film Workshop
Corridor Standish Lawder
Dangling Participle Standish Lawder
Day With the Gypsies, A Cecil Hepworth
Diaries, Notes and Sketches (Walden) Jonas Mekas
During the Year Mike Von Charier
Encounter With Saul Alinsky Part II: Rama Indian Reserve National Film Board of Canada
Fidel Saul Landau, Irving Saraf
Film de Sylvina Boissonas, Un Sylvina Boissonas
Flesh Paul Morrissey
Gaslight (Angel Street) Thorold Dickinson George Mielke's Junkyard Tom Zetterstrom
Guerillo, El Puerto Rico Community Film Workshop
Harriers, The Don McKenzie
Harris Grocery Family Album David Churches
Hiroshima-Nagasaki-August 1945 Erik Barnouw, Paul Ronder & Barbara Van Dyke
Hog Killing Appalachia Community Film Workshop
How Could I Not Be Among You Thomas Reichman
I Am Somebody Madelyn Anderson
Ice Robert Kramer
If the World's So Old, How Comes It's Not Finished Yet Art Landy
Imogen John Korty
Indian Circle Mark Sadan
Kino Pravda Dziga Vertov
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Lemon Hollis Frampton
Loco Race California Community Film Workshop
Looking For Me Virginia K. Bartlett
Louisiana Story Study Film Robert Flaherty
Max-Out Robert Kaylor
Maxwell's Demon Hollis Frampton
Maybe Tomorrow Robert McCown
Mayday Alberto Lau
Mississippi Summer William Bayer
Moana Robert Flaherty
Mopping Tom Zetterstrom
Necrology Standish Lawder
No Place To Go New York Community Film Workshop
Norman Brown's Body Leonard Zweig
Nuer: Life in the Dry Season, The - work in progress Hilary Harris, George Breidenbach
People's War Robert Kramer, John Douglas & Norman Fruchter
Persepolis Mark Rappaport
Pluto James Herbert
Porch Glider James Herbert
Prince Ruperts Drops Hollis Frampton
Quantum Will Bogart
Reflections New York Community Film Workshop
Remparts D'Argile (Walls of Clay) Jean-Louis Bertuccelli
Revelateur, Le Philippe Carrel
Roadfilm Standish Lawder
Rubin on Schools John Katz
Runaway Standish Lawder
Schizophrenia of Working for War, The Leonard M. Henny
Second Chance Paul Ronder
See You at Mao Standish Lawder
Seen Not Heard Fred Rowles
Serene Velocity Ernie Gehr
Spin Will Bogart
Stand Up and Be Counted Scott Bartlett
Sunday in Southbury Standish Lawder
Surface Tension Hollis Frampton
Taking Care of Business Robert Kaylor
Thank You, Mask Man Jeffrey Hall
Tokyo Monogatari (Tokyo Story) Yasujiro Ozu
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son Ken Jacobs
Trip, A Nathan Garland
Untitled Nick Osborn
Untitled (Work in Progress) Appalachia Community Film Workshop
Untitled footage James Herbert
Visual Poem for Brace Baillie, the Essence Within, A Michael Stewart
Wedding of Palo, The Knud Rasmussen, Friedrich Dalsheim
When the Catfish are in Bloom California Community Film Workshop
Woo Who? May Wilson Amalie R. Rothschild
Works and Days Hollis Frampton
Yawar Malllu (Blood of the Condor) Jorge Sanjines
You Are on Indian Land National Film Board of Canada
Zorn's Lemma Hollis Frampton
29: Merci Merci Will Hindle
40 Years of Experiment Hans Richter
66 Robert Breer
69 Robert Breer
Afro-Dance St. Claire C. Bourne
Alfred Peter Barton, Lawence Salzmann
Apollon: Una Faricca Occupata Ugo Gregoretti
Appalachia: Rich Land, Poor People Jack Willis
Betta Splendens John Steinberg
Black TV Aldo Tambellini
Borom Sarret Ousmane Sembene
Boys in Conflict Edward Mason
Brandy in the Wilderness Stanton Kaye
Bride Stripped Bare, The Tom Palazzolo
Budget Film Standish Lawder
Button Batton Suzanne Bauman
Capitan, El (work-in-progress) Fred Padula, Glenn Denny
Catalog John Whitney
Children in Conflict: Part 10, Group Therapy Allan King
Cruel Diagonals Vlato Filipovic
Cybele Donald Richie
Dead Youth Donald Richie
Earth Alexander Dovzhenko
Easy Rider Dennis Hopper
Elegy Nedeljko Dragic
Encyclopedia of the Blessed George Kuchar
Experiments in Motion Graphics John Whitney
Family of Man Wladyslaw Slesicki
Film Generation on Dance Jac Venza, Perry Miller
Five Film Exercises Film No. 4 & Film No. 5 John Whitney, James Whitney
Five Philosophical Fables Donald Richie
Fragile Egos Henry Morgenthau
Fran: Radeliffe Blues Claudia Weill, Tony Ganz
Georg Stanton Kaye
High School Fredrick Wiseman
Horoscope Boro Draskovic
Johnny Cash Arthur Barron
Key, The Frank Glavin Lionel
Law and Order Fredrick Wiseman
Let's All Sing America Roy Loe
Life Donald Richie
Lucy Robin Crump
Me and My Brother Robert Frank
Moana Robert Flaherty
Momentum Jordan Belson
Moon 69 Scott Bartlett
My Girlfriend's Wedding Jim McBride
Naturally '68 Randy Abbott
No. 00173 Jan Habarta
Notes on the Circus Jonas Mekas
Nuptiae James Broughton
O Tom Palazzolo
Paul Diurka Medveczky
Paul Robeson St. Claire C. Bourne
PBL No. 2 Robert Breer
Permutations John Whitney
Psychedelic Poster Expert, The Stan Freberg
Quixote ('68 revised version) Bruce Baillie
Rhodesia Countdown Michael Raeburn
Salt For Svanetia Mikhail Kalatozov
Samadhi Jordan Belson
Sean Ralph Arlyck
Storm over Asia Vsevolod I. Pudovkin
Student films from Studio Museum in Harlem
Tenant Films, The Lawrence Salzmann
Twenty-Four Dollar Island Robert Flaherty
Valentin De Las Sierras Bruce Baillie
Watersmith Will Hindle
Wave Length Michael Snow
(WO) Menswear Glen Reisman
75 Years of Scientific Film Compiled by Peter Morris
Aborigines of Central & Northern
Australia, 1901, 1912
Baldwin Spencer
Across the River Chidananda Das Gupta
Albatross Harvey I. Fisher
An Unpleasant Evening Jesus Cruz
Avec Tambours et Trompettes Marcel Carriere
Bed, The James Broughton
Beginning of Life, The Lennart Nilsson
Ben Land's film (untitled) Ben Land
Billabong Will Hindle
Breakaway Bruce Conner
Breath Jimmy Murakami
Call, The (Apel) Vera Jocic
Carabiniers, Les Jean Luc Godard
Chinese Firedrill Will Hindle
Claw, The Manfred Kircheimer
Cosmic Ray Bruce Conner
Cruise, The John Hubley, Faith Hubley
David Holzman's Diary Jim McBride
Dead End James Bryan
Dona Nobis Pacem Christopher Speeth
End of a Revolution? Brian Moser
End, The Alfonso Sanchez
Feast, The Timothy Asch, Napoleon Chagnon
FFFTCM Will Hindle
First Case: Man (Prvi Padez-Covek) Krsto Skanata
First Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar William Greaves
Flowers on a One Way Street Robin Spry
French Lunch Nell Cox
From 3 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Od 3 Do 22) Kreso Golik
Grass Meriam C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack,
Marguerite Harrison
Grateful Dead, The Robert Nelson
Great Blondino, The Robert Nelson
House Moving Derek Lamb
How Do You Like the Bowery? Dan Halas, Al Raymond
I Am 20 S. N. S. Sastry
Indian Speaks, The Marcel Carriere
Introduction to Ingmar Bergman Lewis Freedman
Jesse Owens Returns to Berlin Bud Greenspan
Joys of Perception (work-in-progress) Ralph Steiner
Kick Jimmie Mannas
Kienholze on Exhibit June Steel
Last Reflections on a War: Bernard Fall 1928-1967 Beryl Fox
Leap, The Tom DeWitt
Liberty Crown Bruce Conner
Looking for Mushrooms Bruce Conner
Louisiana Story Study Film Robert Flaherty, Nick Cominos, Frances Flaherty, Ricky Leacock
Man in Our Image Marc Norelli
Memory of John Earl McFadden, A John Earl McFadden
Momento Stefan Sharff
Movie, A Bruce Conner
Memoria Do Cangaco Paulo Gil Soares
Mit Vorzaglicher Hochactang Hoynowski Scheumann
Mother, Son, Grandson, Granddaughter (Majka, Sin, Unuk, Unuka) Mladomir-Purisa Djordjevic
Mountain, The Richard Chen
MROFNOC J. J. Sedelmaier
My Apartment (Moj Stan) Zvonimir Berkovic
My House Peter Simmons
No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger David Loeb Weiss
Non Catholicam Will Hindle
Norma Jean Baker Robert Russett
Now That The Buffalo's Gone Burton Gershfield
Off-Handed Jape, The Robert Nelson, William Wiley
Offon Scott Bartlett
Oh Dem Watermelons Robert Nelson
One Step Away Ed Pincus, David Neuman
Oupa Joel Gold, Peter A. Rodis
Park Called Forsyth, A Jesus Cruz
Pas de Deux Norman McLarenPastoral D'Ete Will Hindle
Potheads in Let's Get Nice, The Alfonso Sanchez
Queen, The Frank Simon
Question to Mr. Humphrey, A Edwin Lynch
Report Bruce Conner
River Run John Korty
Seal, The (Pecat) Branko Celovic
Shape of Films to Come, The Barbara Van Dyke
Sometimes I Even Like Me Peter Levin
Soup Can Robert Russett
Still A Brother William Greaves
Stolen Childhood Pavel Constantinescu
Ten Second Film Bruce Conner
Third Eye Butterfly Storm De Hirsch
To Live One's Life Evald Schorm
Top, The Jimmy Murakami
Trip to the Moon Scott Bartlett
Urbanissimo John Hubley
Vivian Bruce Conner
What Harvest for the Reaper? Morton Silverstein
What's lt all About Tom McDonough
White Rose, The Bruce Conner
12-12-42 Bernard Stone
Abel Gance: Yesterday and Tomorrow Nelly Kaplan
Alvarada Hans Niebling
Andy Warhol Superartist Bruce Torbet
Apprenticeship Dusan Hanak
Araya Margot Benacerraf
Asphalt Vas Pal
Babbit Arthur Barron
Battle of Culloden Peter Watkins
Bismillah Khan James Beveridge
Boring Afternoon, A Ivan Passer
Castro Street Bruce Baillie
Con 11
Cuore Fermo Sicilia Gianfranco Mingozzi
Dark Light Peter Campus
Desert People Ian Dunlop
Don't Look Back D. A. Pennebaker, Richard Leacock
Dream to Learn, A Austin Lamont
Duo Concertantes Larry Jordan
Every Seventh Child Jack Willis
Films from the Children's Cultural Foundation Rogert Larson
Galaxie Gregory Markopoulos
Give Us This Day Roger Barlow
Grapes of Wrath Arthur Barron
Holy Ghost People Peter Adair Honnete
Homme,Un Ado Kyrou
In The Country Robert Kramer
Ishi in Two Worlds Richard Tomkins
It Happened Here Kevin Brownlow
Joszef Katus' Not Too Fortunate Return to the Land of Rembrandt Wim Verstappen
Judoka Joseph Reeve
Jungle, The Garfield Peacock
Kirk Douglas Polish Students
Knud Jorgen Roos
L'Abrivade Denys Colomb de Daunant
Leonard Baskin Warren Forma
Low Water Tom Schott Robson
Mekong John Armstrong
Mill of the Gods Beryl Fox
Miracle Istavan Ventilla
Napalm Don Lenzer
Newport Festival Marray Lerner
Notes for a Film About Donna and Gail Don Owen
Partisans Polish Students
Portrait of Jason Shirley Clarke
Prise De Pouvoir Par Louis XIV, La Roberto Rossellini
Psalm Ivan Passer
Reveron Margot Benacerraf
Riddle, The Barbara Connell, William Jersey
Rosalie Prudente Walerian Borowczyk
Rotterdam-Europort Joris Ivens
Sandlot Ballet Bernard Morris
Seeing Eye, The Mark Fine
Seneghydd James Clark
Sighet, Sighet Harold Becker
Simenon Jean Francois Hauduroy
Skaterdater Marshall Backlar, Noel Black
Songs Stan Brakhage
Sons and Daughters Jerry Stoll
Steichen Merrill Brockway
Thaumatopea Robert Enrico
Tim Page David Hoffman
Tiny Lund, Hard Charger Charles Hartman,
Lance Bird, Yeu-Bun Yee
Titicut Follies Frederick Wiseman
Tortenelmi Mult Vas Pal
Toute La Memoire Du Monde Alain Resnais
Troublemakers Robert Machover, Norman Fruchter
Unanswered Question, The David Hoffman
Warrendale Allan King
Way It Is, The Harold Mayer
Weapons of Gordon Parks Warren Forma
Weekend Tramps, The Pavel Brezina
Wesley Duke Lee Lane Slate
A Jan Lenica
Aggressive Child, The Robert Anderson
Alberto Giacometti Sumner J. Glimcher, Stuart Chasmar
Anne Sexton Richard Moor
Bad Boys Susumu Hani
Black God and the White Devil, The Glauber Rocha
Blind Kind (Blind Child) Johan van der Keuken
Bulldozed America Robert Richter
Buster Keaton Rides Again John Spotton
Catsup Tana Hoban
Chicken, The Claude Berri
Children Who Draw Pictures Susumu Hani
Ciclon (Hurricane) Alvarez Santiago, Mario Gonzalez
Coeurs Verts, Les (Green Hearts) Edouard Luntz
Computer Art StanVanderbeek
Contrition Charles Wurst
Cyprus: Oil and Water Gilbert Lazun
De Geswonde (The Injured Man) Theo van Haren Noman
Dorothea Lange (Part 1), Under the Trees
Richard Moore, Philip Greene
Dorothea Lange (Part 2): The Closer for Me
Richard Moore, Phillip Greene
Drag, The Carlos Marchiori
Eleanor Roosevelt Story, The Sidney Glazier, Richard Kaplan
Elephant with Seven Feet Carole Brown, Phil Parmet, Don Cochrane Parmet, et al
Empty Hand, The Stephen F. Verona
End of the Trail Don Hyatt, Dan Jones, Phil Reisman
Enfants des Courans D'air (Children Adrift)Edouard Luntz
Ephesus Fred Padula
Fighting South Vietnam
Flowers of Puerto Rico, The University of Puerto Rico Film Unit
For All My Students Bonnie Sherr
Full Life, A Susumu Hani
Good Times, Wonderful Times Lionel Rogosin, James Vaughan
Intervew With Bruce Gordon, An Harold Becker
Intrepid Shadows, The Alfred Clah
Kokon (Chrysalis) Jan Oonk
Ladies and Gentlmen, Mr. Leonard Cohen Donald Brittain
Lake Man, The Raymond Garceau (NFBC)
Legend of the Paramo, The (English version) Gabriela Samper, Ray Witlin
Lobstermen, The Robert Glatzer
Louisiana Story Study Film (reels 1 and 3) Nikos Cominos, Robert Flaherty
Magic Mirror of Aloyse, The Alfred Bader
Man With a Movie Camera Dziga Vertov
Memorandum Donald Britain, John Kemeny, John Spotton
Moon's Men Madeline Tourtelot
Most, The Gordon Sheppard, Richard Ballentine
Navajo Weaver, A Susie Benally
Nine Variations on a Dance Theme Hilary Harris
Not Much to Do Boys Film Club, Philadelphia
Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Robert Enrico
Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Polish film students
Panels for the Walls of the World Stan Vanderbeek
Paramo de Cumanday, El (The Legend of the Paramo) Gabriela Samper, Ray Witlin
Phyllis and Terry Eugene Marner, Carole Marner
Plena, La Amilcar Tirado
Plisetskaya Dances
Railrodder, The Gerald Potterton
Rainshower Edward Schuman, Michael Murphy
Referred for Underachievement Edward A. Mason
Revival Donald Shebib
San Mateo County Mental Health Rushes
George Stoney, Bill Godsey
Schizophrenia: The Shattered Mirror Harold Mayer
Scott's Last Journey John Read (BBC)
Stravinsky Portrait, A Richard Leacock
Storm Signal James Lipscombe
Summit Stan Vanderbeek
Sun and Richard Lippold, The Leo Hurwitz
Super Up Marvin Gold, Kenji Kenesaka
That's All William B. Daniels
This Time the World Marlin Johnson
Time For Burning, A William Jersey, Barbara Connell
Time of the Locust Peter Gessner
Travelling for a Living Stephen Hearst, Derrick Knight
Tung Bruce Baillie
Tutorial Project Gene Bunge
USA Composer: The Avant-Garde
Allan Miller, Terence McCartney Filgate
Vidas Secas (Barren Lives) Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Vladimir Nabokov Robert Hughes, Terence McCartney Filgate
Whitethroat Dan Gibson
Whose Paradise? Ronald Flehr
Working Musician: Elayne Jones, The Craig Gilbert
You Don't Back Down Don Owen (NFBC)
Zanim Opadna Liscie (Before the Leaves Fall)Wladyslaw Slesicki
Alleman Bert Haanstra
Americans from Jungaria Norman Mackie
Anatomy of Cindy Fink, The Patricia Jaffe, Richard Leacock, Paul Leaf
Antonio Gaudi Ira Latour
Architecture, U.S.A. Tibor Hirsch
Berkeley Rebels, The Arthur Barron
Bethune John Kemeny, Donald Brittain
Beyond This Winter's Wheat Carol Ballard
Big Swim, The Gilles Carle
Born a Man Gary Goldsmith
Bug, The Hal Barwood, Jack Graves, David Hanson
Child's Introduction to the Cosmos, A Hal Barwood
Clair-Obscur George Sluizer
Clay or The Origin of Species Eliot Noyes, Jr.
Colossus on the River Manny Kirchheimer
Crazy Quilt, The John Korty
Damn Rib Red, A (opening portion only) Stan Vanderbeek
Dance Chromatic Ed Emschwiller
Dancers in May Lillian Ross
Day of Wrath Carl Dreyer
Days of Dylan Thomas, The Rollie McKenna
Death of the Hired Man Maggie Bobb
Delta, Phase I Bert Haanstra
Dominator, The David Hanson
End of Summer, The Michel Brault
Entr'acte Rene Clair
Eskimo Artist: Kenojuac
Esperanza, La Dept. of Community Education, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Faces of America Ed Emschwiller
Facescapes Stan Vanderbeek
Fishing on the Coast of Japan Julien Bryan
Four Days of Gemini Four, The NASA
Happy Birthday Lenny Leonard Lipton
Hold Back the Sea George Sluizer
In a Dark Time Theodore Roethke, David Myers
In the Street Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb & James Agee
Inheritance, The Harold Mayer
Israel: The Story of the Jewish People Julien Bryan
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Mankinda Stan Vanderbeek
Marines, The Francois Reichenbach
Mask, The George Stoney
Meet Marlon Brando Al Maysles, David Maysles
Moana Robert Flaherty
Mr. Pearson: Profile of a Man and an OfficeRichard Ballentine
New Shoes University of Puerto Rico Students
Odyssey of a Film-Maker Frances Flaherty
Passion of Joan of Arc Carl Dreyer
Pastorale Stan Vanderbeek
Phenomenon No. I Stan Vanderbeck
Phoebe George Kaczender
Raga Jordan Belson
Regular Banquet (Mississippi), A Richard Beymer
Relativity Ed Emschwiller
Report Bruce Conner
Seesawseams Stan Vanderbeek
Selma - Montgomery March (Version I ) Columbia University students
Selma - Montgomery March (Version 2) Columbia University students
Skullduggery - Part 2 Stan Vanderbeek
South African Essay - Part I (The Fruit of Fear) Henry Morgenthau
Squeeze, The Hilary Harris
Stravinsky Wolf Koenig, Roman Kroiter
Study in Wet, A Homer Groening
Sunday on the Isle of the Grant Jatte Frans Weisz
Thanatopsis Ed Emshwiller
Time Is June Goodfield, Stephen Toulmin & Dan Levy Toulmin
Tit for Tat Anonymous
Totem Ed Emschiller
Under Pressure George Stoney
Untitled dance film sketch Hilary Harris
Valparaiso, A Joris Ivens
VD: The Silent Epidemic Dennis Kane
William Faulkner's Mississippi Don Horan, Robert Guenette
Winner, The Francois Reichenbach
Years of Lightning, Day of Drums Bruce Herschensohn
Young Fighter, The
Your in Lords Land Austin Lamont
21-87(or Processional) Arthur Lipsett
A New Home for Art Arnold Eagle
Across the River Stefan Sharf
Bus, The Haskell Wexler
City and the Future, The Ian MacNeill
Cool World, The Shirley Clarke
Delta, Phase I Bert Haanstra
Dying Frontier, The James Beveridge
Dyke, The Jang Yong-Hae
Ed and Frank Denis Mitchell
Eruption of (illegible) U. S. Department of Interior
Facade James Smith
Faces of November Robert Drew, Gregory Schuker
Five Cities of June, The Bruce Herschensohn
Glass Peter Brooks
Grand Central Market William Hale, Haskell Wexler
Grass Roots Denis Mitchell
H. J. Maxwell, Railroad Engineer Trevor Greenwood
Happy Mother's Day Richard Leacock, Joyce Chopra
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? Russ MacGregor, Barbara Squire & Russ MacGregor
House, The Louis R. van Gasteren
How to Look at the City (first of eight films in the Metrolis-Creator or Destroyer series) George Stoney
Huntington Hartford: The Reluctant MillionaireRobert Rubin
Image Robert Shaye
Jubilee Jamboree Boy Scouts of America
Kanchanjanga Satyajit Ray
Mumford of the City Ian MacNeill
Made in U.S.A. Paul Kim
March, The James Blue
Mike Stuart Murphy
Miuhio Ihara's Sculpture Peter Brooks
Mother of the Earth Peter Brooks
My Childhood, Hubert Humphrey's South DakotaArthur Barron
My Childhood, James Baldwin's Harlem Arthur Barron
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
New York in 10 Hours Sonya Friedman
Nirvana Jang Yong-Hae
Pentacostal Chrurch Sequence (shot for, but not included in, 'The Newcomers') George Stoney
People Who Care Nicholas Read
Portrait in Mosaic, from NET's The Indian Experiment Series James Beveridge
Praise the Son Herman Van der Horst
Promise of Heaven Frans Jan Dupont
Reality of Karel Appel, The Jan Vrijman
Renascent (The Reborn) Madeline Tourtelot
Requiem for 500,000 Jerzy Bossack, Waclaw Kazmierezak Santero Amilcar Tirado
Showman, The Albert Maysles, David Maysles
Streets of Greenwood, The John Reavis, Jack Willis
Superfluous People Warren Wallace
Thanatopsis Ed Emshwiller
That Man and What Orchestra P. J. O'Connell, Gilbert
That's Where I'm At Alvin Piering
Tokyo Story Yasujiro Ozu
U. S. Highball Madeline Tourtelot, Harry Partch
What's Happening: The Beatles in U.S.A. Albert Maysles, David Maysles
Zoo Bert Haanstra
Bandits of Orgoloso
Chroniqsque d'un Ete Jean Rouch
Coeur Gros Comme Ca, Un Francois Reichenbach
Day After Day
Dead Birds Robert Gardner
Enfants da Silence National Film Board of Canada
I Am 20 S. N. S. Sastry
Jolie Mai Chris Marker
Kindergarten National Film Board of Canada
Living Machine National Film Board of Canada
Louisiana Story Study Film Nikos Cominos, Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Moana Robert Flaherty
Music Room, The Satyajit Ray
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Olive Trees of Justice James Blue
Pickpocket Robert Bresson
Poetry Verite vs. Cinema Verite (film examples)
Poar la Suite du Monde Michel Brault
Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World
Semaine de la Mauvaise Route
Showman, The Albert Maysles, David MayslesSnow
Three Grandmothers
America the Strange (L'Amerique Insolite)Francois Reichenbach
Berlin: Symphony of a City Walter Ruttmann
Broadway Express Michael Blackwood
Commute Allen Willis
Ed and Frank Denis Mitchell
Eight Cylinders Ago Frank Punchard
Father's Birthday Dinner John M. Reid
Fires Were Started Humphrey Jennings
Golden Gloves Gilles Grouix
Grassroots Denis Mitchell
Hunters, The John Marshall
Jeu de l'Hiver, Le Bernard Gosselin
Kino-Pravda Dziga Vertov
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Language of Faces, The John Korty
Lonely Boy Wolf Koenig
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Love in the City, Episode 1, 'Invitation to Love'Dino Risi
Love in the City, Episode 2, 'When Love Fails'
Michelangelo Antonioni
Love in the City, Episode 3, 'Love Cheerfully Arranged'
Federico Fellini
Love in the City, Episode 4, 'The Love of a Mother'
Maselli Zavattini
Love in the City, Episode 5, 'Love Comes to the City'
Alberto Lattuada
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Men's Last Day John Marshall
Moana Robert Flaherty
My Financial Career Gerald Potterton
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Night Mail Basil Wright
On the Pole Richard Leacock
Primary Robert Drew
Quebec - U.S.A. L'Invasion Pacifque
Claude Jutra
Retour, Le Production: United States Information Office
Seaward the Great Ships Hilary Harris
Shadows John Cassevetes
Shaiige Curing Ceremony John Marshall
Sky Above - The Mud Below, The (Le Ciel et la Boue) Pierre Dominique Gaisseau
Sunday on the River Gordon Hitchens
Very Nice, Very Nice Arthur Lipsett
Walk in My Shoes Nick Webster
Women Under the Baobab Tree John Marshall
Brahms Sonata #2 Alexander Hammid
Cerf-volant au bout du Monde, Le Roger Piguaud
Christopher and Me Edward Foote
Circle of the Sun, The Colin Low
Connection, The Shirley Clarke
Contemplado Amilcar Tirado
Cry of Jazz Edward Blanding
Days of Whiskey Gap, The Colin Low
Desert Boy Victor Stoloff
Exiles, The Kent MacKenzie
Festival in Puerto Rico Roman Kroitor
Here at the Water's Edge Leo Hurwitz
Holy Week in Popoyan Arnold Eagle
How to Make a Live Town Joan Cummings
Juan sin Seso Luis Maisonet
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Language of Faces, The John Korty
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Lutta, La Claude Jutra
Main Street Donald Halleck
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Mayo Florida Willard Van Dyke
Modesta Benji Donniger
My Own Yard to Play In Phil Lemer
Opening Speech Norman McLaren
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray
Picketing the Polaris Sub Base Hilary Harris
Puente, El Amilcar Tirado
Quetzalcoatl Robert Canton
Real West, The Donald Hyatt
Ripple Tank Wave Phenomena, Part I Quentin Brown
San Francisco to Moscow Peace March Hilary Harris
Santero Amilcar Tirado
Sit-In NBC White Paper
Sunday Dan Drasin
Tete Blanche Guy Cote
Too Soon to Love Richard Rush
Universal Gravitation Jack Churchill
Voz en la Montana, Una Amilcar Tirado
Yo, Juan Ponce de Leon Luis Meisonet
Yugo, El Division of Community Education of Puerto Rico
Anonymous, The Allan Forbes
Another Sky (anticipated) Gavin Lambert
Come Back, Africa Lionel Rogosin
Dejeuner sur l'Herbe Le Jean Renoir
Films made by the Cinema Unit, Division of Community Education, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Hoffa and the Unions Al Wasserman
La Pyramide Humaine Jean Rouch
La Symphonie Paysanne Henri Storck
La Terra Trema (anticipated) Lucino Visconti
Le Testament du Dr. Cordellier Jean Renior
Living Tide, The Roman Vishniac
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Louisiana Story Study Film Nikos Cominos
Maitres-Fous, Les Jean Rouch
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
March to Aldermaston, The Allan Forbes
Moana Robert Flaherty
Moi, un Noir Jean Rouch
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Of Human Happiness (rushes from) Aeajay Kardar
On the Bowery Lionel Rogosin
Out of Darkness (full-length version) Al Wasserman
Pickpocket (anticipated) Robert Bresson
Que Viva Mexico Sergei Eisenstein
Recent work of Richard Leacock
Recent work of the National Film Board of Canada
Roughnecks (anticipated) Guy Cote
Rules of the Game Jean Renior
Savage Eye, The (anticipated) Sidney Meyers
Screening and discussion of the work of Hilary Harris
Selection of abstract films Robert Breer
Selection of classroom films made for Educational Services, Inc. Jack Churchill
UN Films United Nations
Universe and other recent works of the NFB of Canada Tom Dale
All My Babies George C. Stoney
Aparajito Satyajit Ray
Day Shall Down Aeajay Kardar
Fils de l'Eau, Les Jean Rouch
Hunters, The John Marshall
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Maitres-Fous, Les Jean Rouch
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Moana Robert Flaherty
My 0wn Yard to Play In Phil Lemer
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
On the Bowery Lionel Rogesin
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray
Power Among Men Thorold Dickinson
Quetico Skyscraper Shirley Clarke
Tokyo Twilight
Treichuille Jean Rouch
World of Apu Satyajit Ray
All My Babies George C. Stoney
Aparaiito Satyajit Ray
Films from Canada
Films from Puerto Rico
Hunters, The John Marshall
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Maitres-Fous, Les Jean Rouch
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Men Masher, The
Moana Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Overture United Nations Film
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray
Riuiere, La
A Moment in Love Shirley Clarke
Air Powder (excerpts)
All My Babies George C. Stoney
Edge of the World
Hunters, The John Marshall
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Mille Miglia
Moana Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
New Earth Joris Ivens
Night Mail Basil Wright
Odyssey (excerpts) Irving Gitlin
On the Bowery Lionel Rogosin
Out of Darkness (excerpts)
Pacific 231 Jean Mitry
Pather Panchali Satyajit Ray
Plow That Broke the Plains, The Pare Lorentz
Search, The (excerpts) Irving Gitlin
Tonnelier, Le
Train, The
Cinema 16 Films (selected program presented by Amos Vogel)
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Moana Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
Odyssey of a Film-Maker (BBC tape recording)
Out of Darkness Albert Wasserman
PirogueMaker, The Arnold Eagle
Portrait of Robert Flaherty (BBC tape recording)
Que Viva Mexico (footage from unfinished film) Sergei Eisenstein
Reflections (musical scores from the movie) Madeline Tourtelot
Seifriz on Protoplasm Jack Churchill
Way of the Navajo Robert Northshield
All My Babies George Stoney
Corral Michel Brault
Land, The Robert Flaherty
Louisiana Story Robert Flaherty
Man of Aran Robert Flaherty
Moana Robert Flaherty
Nanook of the North Robert Flaherty
People Along the Mississippi Charles Benton
Pirogue Maker, The Arnold Eagle
Reflections Madeline Tourtelot
Seifriz on Protoplasm Jack Churchill
St. Matthew Passion
Third Auenue El, The Kit Davidson
Titan, The Curt Oertol
Toby and the Tall Corn Richard Leacock
White Mane Albert Lamorisse