Flaherty NYC presents
Season 24:
let’s all be lichen
programmed by asinnajaq
October 10 - November 10, 2022
let’s all be lichen is an Inukjuamiut’s response to 100 years of our namesake’s seminal film*. Featuring the works of largely circumpolar (Inuk, Sámi, Greenlandic, Evenk and Sakha) filmmakers, the series weaves together works by artists who have harnessed their own power and distinct voice through the moving image. The series shimmers with personal histories, the spiritual anthropocene, questions of agency, memory, and urbanization, as well as a fierce and love-filled reclaiming of the arctic imaginary.
With works by Siku Allooloo, Zinnia Naqvi, Sunna Nousuniemi, Lindsay McIntyre, Chris Marker, Nivi Petersen, Svetlana Romanova, Lada Suomenrinne, Zulaa Urchuud, asinnajaq, and her father, world-renown filmmaker Jobie Weetaluktuk.
let’s all be lichen is a five-part series that runs from October 10 to November 10, 2022 in New York City and online. The Opening Night on October 10 will be hosted by Anthology Film Archives and our closing event on November 10th will be hosted by eflux Screening Room.
Additional screenings will he hosted on campuses and online thanks to the Colgate/Flaherty Distinguished Global Filmmaker Residency program, NYU Cinema Studies Department Friday Night Screening Series & NYU Center for Media, Culture and History, and the Flaherty’s custom-built platform virtual.theflaherty.org.
Our Flaherty NYC Fall Programmer: asinnajaq
asinnajaq is from Inukjuak, Nunavik and lives in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal).
Her work includes filmmaking, writing and curating. Through her artistic work, asinnajaq draws her inspiration from the notion of respect for human rights, and the desire to explore her Inuit heritage. Her practice is grounded in research and collaboration. She co-created Tilliraniit, a three day festival celebrating Inuit art and artists. asinnajaq’s work has been exhibited at art galleries and film festivals around the world. asinnajaq wrote and directed Three Thousand (2017) a short sci-fi documentary. She co-curated Isuma’s presence in the Canadian Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. She co-curated the inaugural exhibition INUA at the Qaumajuq. In 2020 asinnajaq received a Sobey Art Award.
lichen images by asinnajaq
Flaherty NYC takes place twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. The series invites curator/s to assemble programs on a particular theme, featuring innovative, engaging, challenging, and groundbreaking films. The screenings are followed by discussions, often including the makers, about the work and the curatorial topic. This is the sister series of the Flaherty Film Seminar, and in 2022 we are excited to expand beyond the physical venues in New York City to online audiences around the world. More about the series here.
* This special FNYC Series is the result of multiple conversations in early spring 2022, during which we invited asinnajaq to curate a response to the Nanook Centennial. let’s all be lichen is the first of a series of interwoven programming initiatives in 2022/2023 to address the complex legacy of Nanook of the North in both settler-colonial as well as indigenous narratives. These initiatives are designed and led by primarily Inuit artists, scholars, and curators.
More about The Flaherty’s response to the centennial here.
Flaherty NYC is made possible by the Ford Foundation, Humanities New York,
The New York State Council on the Arts, The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs,
and The Consulate General of Canada in New York.
the 68th Flaherty Film Seminar
Queer World-Mending
programmed by
Jon Davies and Steve Reinke
The Flaherty team and Programming Committee are already hard at work on the 2023 Flaherty Film Seminar, Queer World-Mending, programmed by Jon Davies and Steve Reinke.
Hegel wrote: “Better a mended sock than a torn one – not so with subjectivity.” How can we mend the wounded world if we are open wounds ourselves? Sexuality is a force that cuts through histories and identities, and offers an embodied approach to thinking. Joining the living and the dead, the program will be a playground of desire, a laboratory for developing new subjectivities.
– Jon Davies and Steve Reinke
Our seminar programmers are selected by The Flaherty Programming Committee via an open call for letters of intent (we invite you to submit your concepts for 2024, see below!). The 68th Annual Flaherty Film Seminar will take place in June 2023. More details to come soon; read more about Jon and Steve here.
3D scan of an online artist talk with during the 2022 seminar. Courtesy of Alexander Porter.
Deadline Extended:
Inviting Letters of Intent for
the 69th Flaherty Film Seminar in 2024
Our seminar programmers are selected through an open call, and we are now seeking the programmer or programmers of our 69th Edition, which will take place in 2024.
Please send us your programming proposals! You can submit your ideas via a short letter of intent here. The deadline for submissions is October 1st 2022.
Programmers can be individuals or small programming teams. The Flaherty Programming Committee will ask for a second round of application materials by mid-December, and make a final selection in January 2023.
Continents of Drifting Clouds Continues
If you attended the 67th Flaherty Film Seminar either in-person or online and are interested in writing about the works, artists, or the experience itself, we invite contributions to the Continents of Drifting Clouds Catalogue.
We are interested in original texts, as well as works that are already set to be published elsewhere. We will also help connect writers with cross-publication partners. All contributors will be paid at competitive rates.
If you are writing about Continents of Drifting Clouds or would like to, please fill out our Call for Proposals Form by October 1, 2022.
Continents of Drifting Clouds T-Shirts!
Our Continents of Drifting Clouds t-shirts in a variety of styles and soft cotton are now on sale on our site! Stunning poster design by Caroline Monnet.
Order Now - Opacity Seminar Catalogue
The bilingual print edition of the expanded Opacity Seminar Catalogue is available now.
The Opacity Catalogue is co-edited by Dessane Lopez Cassell and Carol Almeida, with contributions by Tina Campt, Tatiana Carvalho Costa, Amaranta César, Christopher Harris, Janaína Oliveira, Athi-Patra Ruga, Yeelen Cohen, and Grace Passô. Managing editor: Jason Fox. Design by Rid, Darwin Marinho and Ella Monstra of ‘Carnaval no Inferno’ Collective.
Other News
67th Flaherty Seminar Artists
Someday (NYC) is will present Nosferasta, a multimedia installation by Adam Khalil, Bayley Sweitzer and Oba, opening Friday, September 16th from 6-8pm. The show will coincide with the US premiere of the film “Nosferasta: First Bite” (33min | 2021 | dir. Khalil and Sweitzer) at The Museum of Modern Art, New York on Monday, September 19th, 7pm. Nosferasta was also shown as part of Program 11 of the 67th Flaherty Film Seminar Continents of Drifting Clouds.
Rockaway Film Festival presents COASTAL KNOWLEDGE: HARBOR OF MYTH. A map of whispered mythologies and intracoastal histories. These hybrid films shapeshift between fictional performances and documentary traditions, reawakening memories lost at sea. Invoking colonial phantoms, they examine notions of territory and possession. Screening includes Nosferasta: First Bite” (33min | 2021 | dir. Khalil and Sweitzer). Friday , Sep 23 6:30 pm at Arverne Cinema (Queens, NY).
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We are no longer sending separate email for submissions, please visit our site anytime for instructions to submit your listing for our newsletter through the ‘About’ section of the site’s drop-down menu.